Banks that accept Euro and Pound checks?

Does anyone know of a bank in Taiwan that accepts checks issued in Ireland that are in Euros or Pounds? Most banks in Taiwan only accept US| (some Canadian) checks, and the few that accept Euros or Pounds have strict requirements on where the issuing country is.

I get a few checks from Amazon as an affiliate in Europe that are Euros and Pounds issued in Ireland. I asked Mega Bank, and they said they can’t accept them because of the issuing country (Ireland).

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Banks here take foreign cheques? Colour me surprised!

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Cashier checks, but they take weeks to be cleared as they need to be confirmed by the issuing bank. My best guess is BOT (Bank Of Taiwan), but I don’t think they’ll pay cash, probably need to open a foreign currency account.

i second this option as your best bet, can’t you get amazon to pay direct to your bank account? i haven’t seen or used a cheque for years.

Yes, these days its all Electronic Transfers, and you cant process a piece of paper (a check/cheque) through SWIFT, it literally has go be sent back to its issuing bank for payment/clearance. No doubt any Bank taking it on will charge for the very rare service, so unless its for a large amount, forget it.

Not necessarily true as bank apps have the ability to pay in cheques no need to process the paper. i’m sure banks have a similar system set up for bank to bank transfers.

Within a Country, certainly. But the OP here is talking about a cheque sent to him from Ireland.

I thought banks already had a system for sending documents internationally digitally i think the cheque would be dealt with the same way. The problem may be that Ireland is classed as a tax haven and the banks here are a bit skittish.

I wish, but Amazon doesn’t support direct deposit to Taiwan.

Banks in Taiwan seem to be really behind the times in many ways. So slow and so many restrictions.

i know you may have already thought of it but do you not have an account in a country amazon will pay into and then just transfer it yourself? if not have a chat with B.O.T or HSBC

Bit odd though - Amazon are more than happy to take your money via an electronic Credit Card transaction, but then go to the old ways to pay out.

Yeah, why wouldn’t you just do this? I’d treat trying to do this with a Taiwanese bank as a last resort, personally.

I’ve closed all my foreign bank accounts when I moved back to TW. I just don’t understand why banks wouldn’t accept Euros or Pounds checks issued from a major company such as Amazon. I’m not depositing Kenyan dollars.

Not sure about Ireland, but you would probably already have some issues depositing such a check in Europe. More and more banks stop accepting them and with SEPA there is truly no need for checks inside Europe anymore.

Maybe you can try contacting the issuing bank and ask if they can wire you the money instead?

That would be quite a hassle!

Seeing as they use Shillings and Cents

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