Anyone had this problem/got a simple solution to this?
I’m trying to switch my (well not mine actually but live in my house) cats onto barf, the one who seems most into the idea of chomping on chicken wings (currently not whole but chopped) wants to run away and hide under a chair with it…totally natural I suppose…
I’d feed them on the balcony so it didn’t matter only it’s been raining for three days…
plus of course they go pretty much where they please in the house and the last thing I want is to have me or one of my flatmates come across half chewed chicken bones somewhere, like our rooms…
Anyway I don’t have a separate room that they can eat in, and whilst I hang around and keep a close eye on them when they eat anyway (so they don’t eat each others) if I stop Chomsky taking his bone away to mucnch on he becomes all discouraged, and loses interest in eating…
Any ideas?
Yeah, we have the same problem. We also don’t like having them throw up the excess bone matter later. So we gave up on the BARF diet. Now if they get meat, it’s chopped into tiny bits that they can’t drag. And if they get bone, it will be chopped small raw bones in wings, nothing big that they can’t digest and have to regurgitate.
The regurgitating stops after a while as their digestive system rembers how to deal with their natural diet, but chopping it all up into small pieces is a great compomise.
Guess I’ll just go home and chop them all smaller then… knew I should have got the woman in the market to do it smaller but really couldn’t be arsed with her inevitable questions… it was so much easier with puppies…
Thanks tho.
Do you have any cages? Five minutes in the cage alone with the chicken wing should do it. If they don’t eat, let them out and try again in the evening. They’ll soon learn.
Mine eats on the roof, and never brings the chicken inside. She does like to bring me rats heads and tails and leave them on my pillow, though.