Being Legal: Why bother?

I have a choice to enter TW with a 30 day visitor, or multi entry.

I have played the “taking Chinese Lessons” visa-mill route, I have flown out every 60 days, and
at the end of my last stay, ended up overstaying regardless and paying the 10000NT fine.
Why BOTHER to fly out, or take Chinese classes? Technically without applying for an ARC,
staying more than 6 months is next to impossible. Back to my original question:
Why bother?

-No internet or landline in my name
-somewhat more difficult to find work

  • no legal scooters
    -bank account hassles.

Anything missing?

Thank you!

Why don’t you just do it legally? Get a job that provides an ARC and remove all the hassles.

[quote]Technically without applying for an ARC,
staying more than 6 months is next to impossible. Back to my original question:
Why bother?[/quote]
Doesn’t that answer your question?

Why BOTHER to … take Chinese classes?

Um, to learn Chinese?

I honestly don’t see the point if you don’t care about being deported. You can live the outlaw lifestyle here until you need to leave. If you have no reason to go back to your original country then it is no problem.