Being nonbinary in Taipei.




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That’s my channel. :slight_smile:

not sure what the problem is then. you look professional but they say you look unprofessional and you have a problem with it?

I see you work in a public school. I’m assuming you are hoping to get a bonus at the end of the contract. I would be very careful with how you act because that bonus is (sometimes) used to keep you in line.

If you are just coming to Taiwan I would caution against making any waves until you understand the culture a bit. Also, culture shock is very real and it might be best for you to bite your tongue and lie low. Personally, I think Taiwan is very progressive toward the LGBT community but their are nuances that you will need to understand before rocking the boat.

And… don’t make videos at your school. :sweat_smile:

Good Luck

A post was merged into an existing topic: Nonbinary gender discussion

Wait. Taipei has more Kings than any place I’ve ever seen. If I’m right, then OP should have NO trouble other than maybe switching mid-stream at work. If I’m wrong, then Taipei has more … nope, not even gonna entertain that I’m wrong.

you look like a woman in your videos. and sound like a woman. i don’t see how you should or could have a problem with taiwanese referring to you as a woman.


In the old days, we had a word for this: tomboy. The old days, apparently, are over.


Not sure if it’s professional to make YouTube videos at work though.


The 70’s were really something. They’d probably crucify poor old Brian if he did this today.

Definitely sounds like a castratable offense.

Am nonbinary, Taiwanese, and asexual. Most who know me are cool with this.

How do your boss and co-workers take it? (OP was upset about being addressed/referred to by a co-worker as female.)

Pronouns aren’t really a thing here, and I don’t have a boss (I’m a college student) but people generally don’t say anything. My closer friends do switch from 妳 to 你 when addressing me, and so does my pastor.

I find that people are using the female 妳 less and less in writing these days anyway.

You mean you actually know people who aren’t cool with it?? If you don’t mind, how exactly does their shitbrain-ness manifest itself in their interactions with you?