Being used for sex

Do it as much as you physically can…then do it some more.
Do it in every way you can think of and then try more ways.
Use lotions, ointments, kitchen utensils, gadgets, gee-gaws and anything within reach or crawl. Keep extra batteries and extension cords for hitting it. (Avoid using animals - trust me on this)
Keep yours eyes open and look for interesting ideas.
Hit it when you’re walking through the house. Hit it in every room of the house.
Hit all parts of it.
Hit it slowly…languorously.
Hit it quickly and move on.
Talk to it when you hit it. Smile at it.
Hit it at times not usually associated with hitting it.
Keep clean towels and lubricant within easy reach.
Use food and food products to hit it. Make tasty treats to enjoy while hitting it. Feed each other and keep hitting it.
You will not wear it out.
Eat good nourishment and keep hitting it.

Because, some day it will end. And the memories of hitting it will be all you will have.

Wow. You forgot the broken back.

You might be a dildo if…

[quote=“Namahottie”]At least you’re getting used for something. Most people go thru life being used…[/quote]Noone ever uses me for anything. People like me for my personally and wit, why can’t anyone like me for my body? I feel so degraded…

Wow… this has been dragged out, for all we know she might just have really bad internal itching, and our good friend has the tool to scratch it…

But seriously, this world needs more meaningful relationships like this… :unamused:

That’s when you start clicking on the Viagra Official Shop emails, isn’t it?

Listen to poor TC, it sounds like he’s speaking from experiance.

That’s when you start clicking on the Viagra Official Shop emails, isn’t it?[/quote]

I knew someone was sustaining the market for those

She says it’s love. When describing why - she mentions my naughty bits and the sex before getting around to personality.

It’s so uncomplicated, I’ve completely no idea what to do.

ah - no worries, found the spanner…

We are now ‘going out’

Time to dust of that exit strategy…

Whether I know it or not…I can’t wait until you huddle inside yourself after you figure out someone else is pumpin her girl guts.

Even if you don’t figure that out…all the luck. Sounds to me like it’ll end in some sort of self esteem misery.

When you go to war with a woman…bring a pad, pen and paper.

4 pages of thinking too much, really. It’ll all end in tears. We know that already.

The questions I’d like answered is…though we know this…we do it anyways.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Do it as much as you physically can…then do it some more.
Do it in every way you can think of and then try more ways.
Use lotions, ointments, kitchen utensils, gadgets, gee-gaws and anything within reach or crawl. Keep extra batteries and extension cords for hitting it. (Avoid using animals - trust me on this)
Keep yours eyes open and look for interesting ideas.
Hit it when you’re walking through the house. Hit it in every room of the house.
Hit all parts of it.
Hit it slowly…languorously.
Hit it quickly and move on.
Talk to it when you hit it. Smile at it.
Hit it at times not usually associated with hitting it.
Keep clean towels and lubricant within easy reach.
Use food and food products to hit it. Make tasty treats to enjoy while hitting it. Feed each other and keep hitting it.
You will not wear it out.
Eat good nourishment and keep hitting it.

Because, some day it will end. And the memories of hitting it will be all you will have.[/quote]

Great advice, TC. But proper form requires giving credit where credit is due. That is a commencement speech by Kurt Vonnegut, isn’t it?


I wrote it myself last evening.
The accumulated experiences behind it may not be exclusive.

We used to dream of being used for sex…

Named it, did ya?

Named it, did ya?[/quote]

On occasion.
it helps to have some sort of nomenclature for sake of reference…

I was used for sex by an Aussie bird once. That turned out allright.

But one major difference to the OPs current situ.
She didn’t cry at any point before, during or after sex.

Ridden like a rented mule.

I don’t have anything to contribute here, but that phrase makes me laugh and it’s sort of on topic.

Only once?