Best Route from Taichung City - Tsaotun by scooter?

The name says it all. What is the best route to get from Taichung City to Tsaotun by scooter? Does anyone know?

That’s all thanks!


Any route that doesn’t involve driving into a rice paddy.


Get across the Dadu river somewhere near Changhua and just follow the 14. It’s a pretty easy road - I’ve cycled Changhua city to Caotun a couple of times and the 14 is fairly low-traffic.

[quote=“cfimages”]Get across the Dadu river somewhere near Changhua (Zhanghua) and just follow the 14. It’s a pretty easy road - I’ve cycled Changhua (Zhanghua) city to Caotun a couple of times and the 14 is fairly low-traffic.[/quote]To cross the bridge to Zhanghua, you have to go quite far west. I’d say that if the OP isn’t in western Taichung it might be quicker to go down the No.3 Provincial Highway until it hits the 14.