Cycling across open fields in the dilute industrial urbanism that passes for “countryside” here in the southern coastal plain, I saw a blue track approaching slowly. Seemed to have quite a smoky exhaust, but that’s not unusual.
Didn’t realise they were spraying the verge until I passed them and a light crosswind covered me in spray drift. Fuckers saw me coming and could presumably have stopped momentarily, but didn’t bother.
I was wearing shades so didn’t get much in my eyes, but shorts and tee shirt meant I got lots on my skin. Slight (perhaps psychosomatic) skin irritation.
Probably herbicide (paraquat?) rather than insecticide, so likely not very toxic, but better out than in.
Reminds me of when a road is being repaved in the middle of the day and they don’t block off the road they are working on. Instead, they allow a small lane for traffic to pass on the rough surface next to where they are spraying adhesive tar prior to laying new asphalt. That tar spray just gets blown all over the place onto cars and scooters passing bay. :loco: …and then the 2 minute old newly paved road is open to traffic…hot asphalt that hasn’t been properly packed loosens up and gets thrown up all over the place from passing vehicles.
Last summer, I was preparing a lesson in my classroom when I observed out my window a guy from the SYM scooter shop across the way spray painting a metal lawn chair. He was painting it baby blue, and he was doing so outside, sort of down the side of his building, but directly in front of a dark blue Toyota RAV4 parked on the street. I’m not sure who owned the RAV4, I guess it didn’t really matter because when I went for lunch later in the day I made a point to walk past to observe the collateral damage, and sure enough, the RAV4 had a brand new ‘progressively speckled’ paint job across it’s hood!
[quote=“achdizzy1099”]Last summer, I was preparing a lesson in my classroom when I observed out my window a guy from the SYM scooter shop across the way spray painting a metal lawn chair. He was painting it baby blue, and he was doing so outside, sort of down the side of his building, but directly in front of a dark blue Toyota RAV4 parked on the street. I’m not sure who owned the RAV4, I guess it didn’t really matter because when I went for lunch later in the day I made a point to walk past to observe the collateral damage, and sure enough, the RAV4 had a brand new ‘progressively speckled’ paint job across it’s hood!
It took me a week to believe what i had seen.
eggactly !!! STep from the “first world” Taiwan MRT into a back alley and straight into 3rd world Taiwan with people spraying chairs in the street, like maybe what would happen in Cuba? Cept maybe the Cubans wouldnt do that tho nowadays.
All week I’ve been driving to work eastbound down Xinyi, and the workers at this condo are doing something with large amounts of water way up high (washing, cleaning, enemas, who knows?) and just letting it rain down on the street. Every car and scooter gets a nice shower on their way to work. :bravo:
I’m going to call it right now: There is at least one Nobel Prize awaiting the doctor who can actually link betel nut chewing to whatever part of the brain it is that control logic and reason.