Big government will solve all our problems

Because that AOC thread is well down the rabbit hole, I thought I’d share what the Bibles have to say about big government. Yes, Bibles. Plural.

Death and taxes:

Then history weighed in, but nobody listened, so…

Desire, Certainty and Blame:

Anyone who’s not an utter fool knows that big government doesn’t work. But if you want to know exactly why it doesn’t work and never will, the Bibles spell it out.

(I won’t mind if the mods move this to Religion, as big government is a kind of secular religion.)

Yep. But with slight differences and with some more wiggle room for free thinking than religions.

If the SJWs complete their takeover, there will be no wiggle room at all.

Evolution of cultures are already starting to see through their extremism. And they have also seen why they started. In 10 years sjw will just be another thing of the past we laugh about in the future all the while realizing we did need a scary kick in the junk to wake up. Like south park.

They arent the issue so much as spineless idiots changing actual global laws and policies based on fads instead of facts (evidence)…thats the scary part that likely wont change in 10 years. Same with religions.

It’s hard to develop an immunity to a disease that compromises the immune system.

It seems there’s a cuck gene/meme in the western culture. It needs to be eradicated. You can’t teach cucks - they’re irredeemably stupid. But they must be stopped from passing this poison on to future generations.

I think generous doses of contempt will do the trick. Private humiliation is no good, because they just get off on it. But public humiliation will culturally neuter them. Make poster children of them.

(From the outside, this will look like internecine warfare. Our enemies will delight, so long as they don’t look too closely. But we do not subscribe to the cargo cult of unity-at-all-costs.)

Law has always been about moral fashions, and fads are just fast fashion. As long as no one forfeits the match, the better team will win in the end, and then make the laws.

If this group of people that only exist in our own minds complete a non existent takeover of our own imagined state were all doomed!

Eu Commission President wins “election” vote by just 9 votes. She was the only candidate :smile:
Huge Government only works if you need to control millions of people and can convince them that they can’t do it without “Government”.

Serious question. This talk of ‘Big Government’ seems to come up a lot. Mind if I ask people here what you define as big government? What would be some aspects of big government?
Is Canada big government?
China? (OK i’m sure we probably agree on that one)

Seriously do want to understand your definitions.

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When government - in pursuit of good intentions - tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player. quote

You are the single most ineffective gaslighter I have encountered in years.

Somehow that seems like a compliment

One does not define a cancer by its size. One defines a cancer by its refusal to accept a limit to its size, and its tendency to take far more than it gives in return.

Put another way: big government is ambitious and greedy government.

Can you give me some examples? Who’s advocating for this?

Stepping in as mod, we have a general rule not to disparage groups of people. It’s a loosely applied rule but if someone were to continually name call Democrats/Republicans in general I would step in as it kind of gets under the skin of people on these forums that identify with Democrats/Republicans. i.e. we need to be mindful of our language.

Obviously some groups like Nazi’s or Antifa, I doubt anyone on here identifies with so, I’m not really likely to care what’s said about them. Progressives, while visibly don’t have a large presence will have people that identify with that ideology so I would request some more thought than simply calling them a disease, a cuck and irredeemably stupid.

One last point.

I would like to be clear here. You are not in any way encouraging doxxing are you? Outing or Doxxing or any suggestion of doing so is strictly against site rules.

5.01. Outing. Do not post personal information about any other person even if that information is publicly available. This includes, but is not limited, to divulging personal information such as the real-life identity of other Forumosans, telephone numbers, or sexual orientation. In addition, Forumosa does not condone or encourage efforts by individuals to “dig up” information about other visitors. You may post the public contact information for public figures, but you may not post anyone’s private information without their consent.


Who said anything about progressives? I also despise cuckservatives.

My attitude toward groups is let them self identify, then call them out on their own words and actions. In particular, their actions. X is as X does, always.

And who said anything about doxing? There’s no need to dox those who are already out in the open.

By the way, I acknowledge that you discussed your thinking before taking any action, and reflects well on you.

“There’s no need to dox those who are already out in the open.”

Theee is no justification for doxxing anyone period.

Agreed. But how to enforce, when big government either has all the docs or can buy them from big data?

I dunno. It happened to me not long ago. If you have an answer to that I’m all ears. Fortunately in my case the person that did left a lot of crumbs to help track them.