I encounter this a lot : Flicking their cig-butt outta window on highway . (1 outta 5 times , it hits my windshield)
I encounter this sometimes (doesn’t effect me…but just stupid): swerve / change lane just to beat a yellow light.
blocks intersection when there is a traffic jam upfront !!! i hate i hate i hate people who do that…(obviously you ain’t going no where…why get into other peoples way…)
Throwing garbage out of window. (not being racist ; i have only witness asians doing so [in Vancouver]) and a lot of times its something fucking big too ! like a large mcdonald bag…the worst gotta be glass bottle. Some lady did that once…glass shattered infront of my car. i have to swerve to avoid it…i honked at her when i pass her…she actually stared at me very angrily !
anyone driving over 60km in side a parking lot. Once this little punk has decided its just too COOL to floor it inside a underground parkade. I was loading my car when he pass me i looked up he almost slam into a parked car. Then he stop as people got mad at him…after a complete stop he than peel out (burn out) out of the parkade.
6.Blasting music in quiet residential area.
The urban version is a bit beyond a peeve. These idiots are quite likely to kill or injure me, and there are lots of them.
The mountain version (aka “racing line”?) simply baffles me. It CANNOT be as dangerous as it looks. There MUST be skills involved that I don’t posses and am unaware of. (I am not a very skilled driver).
Nevertheless, I was recently a front-seat passenger in a car driven quite fast up to Alishan by a Taiwanese who knew the road well, and it looked like Russian Roulette with an automatic (pistol, not transmission).
On left hand curves I could see further into the curve than the driver, and that was NOT F-ING FAR ENOUGH.
When the light is green and people don’t take advantage of that fact to GO. This is particularly annoying when a person intending to make a left turn doesn’t pull into the intersection when the light is green.
double parking ‘just for a minute’ to grab a pearl tea, blocking not just one but two lanes on a two lane road.
blind cornering and drifting around mountain roads (i’ve only had one head on accident so far from this, but i’m on a bicycle so it hurts).
left turn from a standing start as soon as the lights go green, thus hitting all the traffic going straight across the intersectilonthe otehr way. can’t you wait for 30 seconds, Mr Impatient? I have recently taken to getting to the spot first and stopping, forcing them to wait anyway. Pleases them no end.
taxis cutting to the right kerb from the centre lane, with me squashed between the kerb and the cab. A hard open-handed slap on the right side door scares the crap out of them and makes them really angry too. Have yet to be beaten in a street race between cab and cycle, though sometimes the chase has gone on for a bit longer than i would like.
How about when the light JUST turns green and the taxi behind you honks. Jesus, I know brother!! Happened to me yesterday. Then he passes you, but you end up passing him again and leaving him in the dust because he is driving a car and I’m on a 50cc. Drives me crazy!
People who drift in front of me when I’m waiting in the scooter box at a light, so they can wait on the pedestrian crossing or the left-turn box. Then when the light changes I have to pass them again, because they’re incredibly slow, and they weave all over the place so it sometimes takes ages to get through.
(1) The couldn’t-give-a-shit-about-anyone-else-on-the-road snotbrains who crawl along on narrow, winding roads, keeping their vehicle far enough to the middle of the road that there’s no way for the steadily lengthening line of vehicles behind them to safely overtake. If you’re at the front of the line, you can flash and hoot them until they get out of the way, but you can’t do that if there are other vehicles between you, and it drives me absolutely bonkers with rage.
Why the hell don’t they pull to the side and let everyone go by as soon as they have an opportunity to do so? I always, always do that if any vehicle comes up behind me: if he’s going faster than I am, it would be abominably rude and inconsiderate of me to block his way, and also dangerous because it might make him take a risk overtaking me and cause an accident.
(2) The intellectually sub-amoebic twats who constantly stray across double-yellow lines when there is absolutely no reason or excuse for doing so. The more of those that get taken out by gravel or cement trucks, the better.
there is a lot to be said for Darwinian selection of the fittest drivers, except for the fact that it’s generally too slow to be relied on, and unfortunately the poorer waiting-to-be-eliminated examples kill a lot of innocents along the way.
Oh, and I am usually on a bicycle so am generally not going to get the better of any confrontation with larger metal objects. I know, I tried one last month and definitely did not win.
People who do 100KM/H or less in the center lanes on highway 1. Passing lanes are there for people who want to pass the slow traffic. My cruising speed is 120.
Also, scooters driving below the limit in the MIDDLE of the road instead of over to the right. I hate having to choose between potentially killing the rider in front of me and being late for work.
(2) The intellectually sub-amoebic twats who constantly stray across double-yellow lines when there is absolutely no reason or excuse for doing so. The more of those that get taken out by gravel or cement trucks, the better.[/quote]
This pisses me off immensely too. Especially when it’s done on mountain roads, for no other reason than it allows the driver to turn his arm less, thus lowering the strain on his arms. I really don’t get it. Sometimes it seems like I’m the only driver out there who’s actually staying in his lane while turning in the mountains.
People who when I’m indicating to change lanes, suddenly hit the speed to close up my gap to turn into. This results in most people never indicating to change lanes and instead using the barging method, as they know that nobody including themselves has the politeness to let them in.
I had to tap on the window of the adjacent car next to me yesterday, to tell the I’m-looking-the-other-way-I couldn’t-possibly-have-stopped-you-from-turning-on purpose-I-couldn’t-be-that-selfish!" bitch that there was no way I could ever hope to make it onto the bridge if every twat blocked me. She suddenly got quite fearful when I actually entered her ‘space’ to get angry with her, and then waved me in.
I think I’m going to try that more often.
[quote=“wudjamahuh”]People who do 100KM/H or less in the center lanes on highway 1. Passing lanes are there for people who want to pass the slow traffic. My cruising speed is 120.
The speed limit’s 110. The center lane is for cruising, the inside is for slow traffic and the outside lane is for passing. So you get pissed off by law-abiding drivers getting in the way of scofflaw drivers who don’t understand how to use the road?