Bikefarm on ICRT

Hey Jeremy,

Heard you on the ICRT morning show. A really good interview I thought, well done. Thanks for the Forumosa plug too.

Did they draft Tito Grey in to interview you specially? And I still need some new shelves, are you still doing the woodwork?


Thanks for that Malc. The interview was at 7:30am so I am surprised that anyone heard me, however a few people have mentioned it! Tito did the interview simply because Rick Monday had not even read the notes on his desk and had no idea what to ask!! Tito is a nice guy and didn’t ask any dumb questions.
Yep, the woodwork is coming up fast on the horizon. We should meet up and you can tell me what you need.

I heard that interview, too.

Good one.

[quote=“turkey_dinner”]I heard that interview, too.

Good one.[/quote]
Did you just hear it recently (today)? If you did, where did you hear it?

Nah. I was just searching for Bike Farm posts and ran into this thread. I did hear it when it was on about a month ago though.