Bikes and stuff

Watching a whole bunch of YouTube vids bout bike tires and apparently the front and the rear has such different duties it don’t matter if they diff brands or sizes or even types as long as the formula works for you

I’m liking the fat on the back and the skinny up front

Seems to be working out right after many rides
Case closed

Been trying several air pressures . previous ride 45psi front on the 38mm and 50 psi on the back 42mm.
today went 60 psi on the rear (max pres on that brand of tire/size sidewall ) and 40 on the front (suggested is 50 to 75). and the bounce in the front is reduced and i dont think theres too much drag. The rear is fine at 60psi. My seat has a bit of a spring so rear stiff tire is ok. The front has no suspension there so everything can be felt.

went down a trail in GG park . The 38s are really not suited for trails. The 42s were much better. Too much bouncing around on the 38s even at 40psi.
Suitable on road really and thats it. Well it does cut through up to one and a half inch of sand real well on the beach road.

My average speed has gone up from 6mph to 7.5 mph on my hour long rides so thats good i guess. I just do a leisurely 7 mile round trip in an hour with not too much elevation gain. Have to watch the zones. Found a recent ride where i was 15 mins at zone 5. is that even possible? And thats not good for newbie riders with heart conditions…like me… so i need to cut zone 5 down to only a few mins and concentrate on zones 2 and 3 and 4 i read.

lessee what todays readings are:

need to cut it down, not good today. even though i didnt really feel it. But i didnt walk today up the hills. All riding only.

zone 1 : 27 seconds
zone 2: 8:11
zone 3 : 8:48
zone 4 : 11:08
zone 5 : 16:25.

16 mins at zone five? need to pedal that back. heart rate 116 to 175 range and too much time over 150bpm. Average 142bpm.

I read that too much can cause an irregular heart beat and since i already have that. I just need to make sure i pedal back. Thing is i really was not out of breath and didnt feel i exerted much.

well i need to just do the course i did on sunday, which had 116 to 157 bpm with average 132bpm. but the zones were much better.
zone 1 01:33
zone 2 10:08 min
zone 3 18:07
zone 4 10:16
zone 5 02:49.

anyone wanna chime in ? welcome to do so with any advice.

Actually I’m thinking that the above times are cumulative and not one stretch

In other words I didn’t have a non stop stretch at zone 5 of 16 mins

Rather a cumulative total time over the whole seven mile course

That would make a lot more sense

This made me laugh. :joy:


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I’m both them as I drive and also bike

What bout motorcycles ?
Last Friday on ocean beach the road just in front of it I was surrounded by a pack of about 50 heavy motorbikes of all kinds

Was awesome I got a couple fist bumps in as it was so loud no conversation was possible

All nice bikes
Just a bunch of guys and girls out for a huge group ride

Wasn’t a motorcycle gang

Made me smile it was pretty cool
My little Prius swarmed by a pack of bikes some of them cost more than a Prius

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Still needs government registration. Woke transit! :rofl:


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Free listening on the great highway on a Sunday

It’s closed to vehicles Friday noon to Monday 6am

This band even brought along their acoustic piano

That is dedication


So the latest is that my rears are 45 not 42
And the front is 38

Think I’m gonna buy maybe 42 next time to see how that goes

But anyhow I have since blown two tubes having too much pressure in them

I didn’t understand thinking I was below sidewall pressure in the tires and didn t know the tubes may not be able to stand those pressures

I like to put them high because it’s easier for me to pedal but bumpy of course

Anyway having blown two tubes using the above calculator seems 40psi front on the 38 and same on the 45 in the rear is max psi I can go and so far it’s working out well

The ride is nice and so far no blown inner tubes