Remember where you read this 1st and the time that I wrote this.
Allah Akbar
Remember where you read this 1st and the time that I wrote this.
Allah Akbar
Have they got the decapitated head to prove it?
There are unconfirmed reports that this is so, although I think it is just one of those made-up intraweb stories.
I don’t believe that there ever was such a thing as a “Bin Laden”. Another American media creation to scare children into going to bed early.
I wonder if they’ll sell tickets to let people shit in his mouth.
Too bad – he could have spent DECADES in a cell.
Oh well. So long as he’s dead, I hope he saw it coming, shit himself, and that it hurt. A lot. For a long, long time.
Oh, and I’m glad he lived to see the ‘Arab Spring’.
I wonder if they’ll sell tickets to let people shit in his mouth.
It’s already in wikipedia so it MUST be true…" On May 1st, 2011, rumors abounded in the wake of an impromptu presidential press conference that Bin Laden was caught and killed."
This is one of those times where one gets a certain satisfaction from belief in an afterlife and comeuppance.
Indeed. It’s quite annoying being an atheist at this point in time.
I agree, sod the 74 virgins, I’d trade them all for one nasty grl!
All the US channels have interrupted regular programming for the past 30 minutes to state he’s dead. They have little other info, but refuse to go back to regular programming.
It’s a poignant moment in history right now watching Pres Obama announce officially that bin Laden is dead.
Meanwhile, teabaggers demand authentic birth certificate to prove Osama’s death certificate is valid.
You heard it here first.
In before j.scholl conspiracy theory
My sources are rarely wrong and I had an email regarding the demise of Bin Laden an hour before the media conjecture.
American special forces attacked a compound in Pakistan and after a short fire fight he was killed and they have held his body to confirm his identity.
History will reveal the truth. Expect a lot of claptrap on CNN. Adiots abound!
Looking good for Obama in the next election
Hopefully this can begin to draw a line under it.
It’s a good time to believe in Christ’s message of forgiveness, Christian or not.
What astounds me most is how long it took The Most Powerful Nation In The World to find him. Don’t they have Google Earth in The Home Of The Brave?
I hope they shove pig cocks up every hole in his body and then feed him to pigs, as they should with any of these jihadist wankers.
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Meanwhile, teabaggers demand authentic birth certificate to prove Osama’s death certificate is valid.
You heard it here first.
Donald Trump is also waiting for a copy of Osama Bin Laden’s university transcript before he will believe that Osama Bin Laden is actually dead.
Did you see that press conference? The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize recipient just ordered, within the past 24 hours, a ‘hit’ inside of a foreign nation! Take that Oslo you fucking hippies!
I believe there is no more appropriate time for this video…
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Meanwhile, teabaggers demand authentic birth certificate to prove Osama’s death certificate is valid.
You heard it here first.
You beat me to it HG. Actually, I was waiting for a certain kind of response from … before playing the “birthercerfiticate”
(spelling deliberate)