Bin Laden Still Dead

I am pleased they killed him right on the spot. Bin Laden is dangerous while alive, much less so dead. The seals mission was dangerous and there was a strong chance BinLaden couldve been rescued and spirited away once again. Ten years was a long time to wait to get him. Why risk it. Even if the seals didnt get away and all was killed, they at least got their target. What if the seals captured Bladen and then the seals died in a firefight or were captured and executed and Bladen escapes once again.

No, it was a lot more prudent to kill him. His attack on the twin towers sealed his death warrant by whatever means necessary in the eyes of many.

He did great evil, he needed to die. Keeping him a prisoner , even in the USA will cause a lot of extremist activity. People being kidnapped in exchange for binladen, etc.

Much better to have it over with and done as far as he is concerned. The problem now is that his second in command (some say currently the real power behind alqueda is still alive and well). And he will take much greater pains to keep from getting American lead poisoning.

One down, one more to go (at least).

[quote=“fruitloop”][quote=“Gman”]No, it’s more than just expediency. The minute you decide that you are going to go into another country and effect an arrest of someone, due process has pretty much gone out the window. You can’t just pick and choose at what point you are going to follow due process. Let’s say they arrest him. Isn’t it due process for him to be turned over to the juristiction in which the arrest took place?

I’m not trying to defend the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Technically, it may have even been illegal. However, it really wouldn’t be the first technically illegal action the US has taken in their pursuit of him is it?[/quote]I basically agree. But the argument remains that killing him was the most useful thing to do.

My argument is very simple.

Utility may have been served by killing him. I don’t know. I wasn’t there. If he was armed, that’s a utilitarian reason. So by definition, being unarmed weakens the case, but doesn’t destroy it.

Justice was not served by killing him extra-judicially.[/quote]

I think this stopped being a case of justice in the judicial sense a long time ago. Whether ‘justice’ was served or not would depend on your concept of justice wouldn’t it? So for you no it wasn’t and that’s fair.

He was unarmed? He was murdered? The SEALS who carried out the attack said this? GOSH! I thought they were under orders not to talk about the mission. Links. Not blogs. Authoritative sources who have watched the entire footage and who have analyzed what went on during the raid, and who have the expertise to do such analysis. That would be good.
Ah, now I see that he is said to have been unarmed but appeared to be reaching for a weapon. And the guy in the room was being rushed by one of bin Laden’s wives. From where I’m standing, it would have been a SHOCKING lapse of duty NOT to shoot him. Kudos to the soldier for only shooting the bint in the leg. A leg shot followed by a double-tap to the beardy fucker – that’s some sharp shooting right there!

I have no problem with OBL getting killed in the firefight, just have misgivings about making him a martyr for his cause. consequences and effect of which we will see in the future, most likely.

Every situation is different.

Post-Holocaust, Israel hunted down Nazis, captured a good number, and put them on trial. Israel has also conducted a good number of extra-judicial murders.

Killing bin Laden on sight was expedient, but I think claims that bin Laden had to be killed immediately are highly suspect. ‘Dead and done’ is easiest and cheapest, but I question whether it best served the interests of justice. Is this one of those cases in which ‘the best’ is the enemy of ‘the good’? Maybe.

Perhaps this will quiet some of the conspiracy nutters:

[quote=“McClatchy”]Osama bin Laden’s young daughter has told Pakistani officials that she saw her father shot and killed by armed Americans when they raided a house here early Monday, an official with Pakistan’s spy agency said Tuesday.

The official, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the subject, said the daughter, whom he described as being 12 or 13 years old, was one of eight or nine children in the house when a team of U.S. Navy SEALs stormed the complex by helicopter.[/quote]

OBLs last post on Facebook:

What I would like to know is, why no one of the Americans where killed or even injured? I mean, there you have the most wanted terrorist in the world, head of the most feared terrorist network, and he is protected by a bunch of guards who can’t even get a shot off? He’s living in a million dollar mansion and there are no traps for potential attackers, no hidden doors, escape tunnels? That terrorist was a fraud. What a loser.

I don’t know. But maybe, considering their location, Osama and his men thought they were safe. Maybe they could not easily imagine being attacked there by an American force.

I wasn’t there, but my wild guess is that it’s not so much that Osama’s men were incompetent as it is that the SEALs who did the mission were exceptionally competent.

Wasn’t Saddam found hiding in a hole? Eight or nine years down the line, they may have gotten a tad lazy about keeping their guard up.

I want to know why OBL didn’t have a secret chamber behind a bookcase with a book he could have pulled on to open the secret passageway entrance to the get away tunnel. It is interesting to speculate on what the title of that book would have been. I’m thinking an eloquent touch would have been Decision Points by G.W. Bush. Based on the fact that whoever was killed in that compound didn’t have such simple device installed I’m certain it wasn’t OBL at all who was killed. He was much to savvy to have been caught short on such medieval technology. He was practically living in the middle ages. I would also like to comment that the house was far too frowzy. It looked like the interior was designed by Mr. Wang up the road.

I did hear today that it was on leased government land so perhaps they wouldn’t give him the permit for the secret passageway.

I hope this raises some interesting and challenging points.

Sounds right.

[quote=“Fox”]I want to know why OBL didn’t have a secret chamber behind a bookcase with a book he could have pulled on to open the secret passageway entrance to the get away tunnel. It is interesting to speculate on what the title of that book would have been. I’m thinking an eloquent touch would have been Decision Points by G.W. Bush. Based on the fact that whoever was killed in that compound didn’t have such simple device installed I’m certain it wasn’t OBL at all who was killed. He was much to savvy to have been caught short on such medieval technology. He was practically living in the middle ages. I would also like to comment that the house was far too frowzy. It looked like the interior was designed by Mr. Wang up the road.

I did hear today that it was on leased government land so perhaps they wouldn’t give him the permit for the secret passageway.

I hope this raises some interesting and challenging points.[/quote]

Indeed it has. Please go on good sir. :thumbsup:

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]I agree, sod the 74 virgins, I’d trade them all for one nasty grl!


Yes, because 72 virgins is a lotta work whereas a nasty girl is lots of fun

What happened to my post about the rat in my kitchen? Did a moderator think it was irrelevant or inappropriate?

After 24 hours I have located it, on a sticky board trap I laid. Now I have to decide how to kill and dispose of it. An unpleasant matter.

The point is, I set out to kill it, not to trap it and show mercy or release it. My only wish was to eliminate it. I didn’t think the parallel needed to be pointed out.

Million dollar mansion my arse. Looking at the pictures, it was a dump. Wife used as a human shield, blah.

And they left the tail-rotor of a secret stealth-copter. What a fuck-up.

They don’t normally take the bins out on bank holidays.

Yes, but this one was far too laden.

I have no problem with this being an extermination mission, which it really was.

What is far more interesting, are we Germans now allowed to say “Bin im Laden” (I am in the shop) on international airports again or will we still get arrested? :ponder: