Bin Laden threatens the EU over Mohammed cartoons … TE=DEFAULT

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – Osama bin Laden warned of a “severe” reaction to European publications of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that insulted many Muslims.

Bin Laden’s new audiotape message raised concerns al-Qaida was plotting new attacks in Europe. Some experts said bin Laden, believed to be in hiding in the rugged Afghan-Pakistan border area, may be unable to organize an attack himself and instead is trying to fan anger and inspire his supporters to violence.

Bin Laden’s audiotape was posted late Wednesday on a militant Web site that has carried al-Qaida statements in the past and bore the logo of the extremist group’s media wing Al-Sahab.

“The response will be what you see and not what you hear and let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God,” said a voice believed to be bin Laden’s, without specifying what action would be taken.

He said the cartoons “came in the framework of a new Crusade in which the Pope of the Vatican has played a large, lengthy role,” according to a transcript released by the SITE Institute, a U.S. group that monitors terror messages.

“You went overboard in your unbelief and freed yourselves of the etiquettes of dispute and fighting and went to the extent of publishing these insulting drawings,” he said. “This is the greater and more serious tragedy, and reckoning for it will be more severe.”

The five-minute message, bin Laden’s first this year, came as the Muslim world marks the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday on Thursday. It made no mention of the fifth anniversary Wednesday of the U.S.-led invasion in Iraq.

What a moron. He’s basically powerless, but hoping to use his influence to inspire others to attack. Let’s hope it fizzles out as quickly as his empty threats of a second attack against the US did.

Allah like cartoons…
The splittists are making One thirsty…

Also, trebuchet: It might be a good idea to seperate your opinion from that of the articles you link to. Some of your posts often seem to blend it all together, making it hard to digest.
Just a word to the wise. :wink:

Yeah, another stupidity, should be under “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” :noway:

here’s a snapshot of the video nobody thought he was important enough to watch:

What a nice pose and props he has chosen for this desperate grab at media attention. Can’t you feel the PEACE and SPIRITUALITY? :yay:

waaaah, why isn’t the pic showing up? :frowning:

There we go!

Brainwashed Muslims are now teaching little kids to become terrorists. Video footage show kids less than 10 years old to use all kind of guns, shoot with mortar, and even cut throat of enemies!!! :loco:

It sounds as though he just learned about the cartoon controversy. Maybe they forgot to tell him two years ago…?

He lives in a cave somewhere. Probably not much in the way of fresh news. Gotta conserve that paper for other, less sanitary uses. He’s also no doubt feeling a little grumpy at the lack of bandwidth to let him download vintage Bugs Bunny cartoons. He’s getting tired of his daing collection of Woody Woodpecker…

It’s a new, revived cartoon controversy, because the cartoons are featured in a movie made by that Wilders guy with the amazing hair that Muslims are screaming for revenge on Europeans over,and so are being reprinted in some papers.

Bin Laden threatened the pope as well, so he’s really trying to cover all of the bases. When is he just going to scream for genocide on the white race and get it over with?

An interesting cartoon. I wonder if radical Islam is going to go after the author of these cartoons (showing an infidel with a muslim girl wearing a hijib). Will Andi convert to Islam if he marries his girlfriend? How far does he get with Ayshe? Maybe he should take her on a holiday to Batam in Indonesia for some R+R. If she emulates the behaviour of the locals there, Andi will be one happy camper.

I went to the website for these stories and they are kind of dull. Dull living in the suburbs. I mean, a lot of Arabs/Turks drink (Syria, Turkey, Lebanon etc.) Why don’t they have a story of Andi taking his woman to Oktoberfest and have her drinking out of a glass boot? Then they could groove to some Oompa music. Or have her take off her hijib (as most women do in Turkey). The comics should have more details about their romance as well. German are pretty liberal/forward in these regards (the country has naked weatherwomen on a lot of channels). Perhaps it could discuss their role playing games. Andi pretends he is King Richard I of England. Ayshe pretends she is one of Saladin’s concubines. After recapturing Crac de Chevaliers, Richard finds her abandoned in the castle and keeps her prisoner in a special “oublier” in the castle, only visiting her late in the night.

Why not put a little history into it? How did they meet? Maybe they found out their grandfathers served in the same brigade during World War II. :smiling_imp:,553 … _3,00.html … dChannel=0