Biology journal subscriptions?

I am having a surprisingly difficult time finding out how to subscribe to a hard copy of a few jouranls. i would like to subscribe and have the journals mailed to me. I am aware they are available free online (one thing Taiwan is EXCELLENT for), but i want a paper copy and cannot figure out how to buy it via subscriptions.

anyone have any experience here with these:


Formosan Entomologist

台灣生物多樣性研究 Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

first one has email, second one has phone number, third one has both?

what problem arose when you tried those avenues to ask them directly about what you want?

Emails i never get replies, granted i didnt try phoning. Suppose i should after the holidays. I just thought there would be an easier way online to subscribe and pay by credit card as at least Taiwania is fairly international. perhaps assuming too much :frowning:

The contact information (email and phone) for Taiwania’s English Editor can be found here:ý-89943b103

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