Bird of the Day

We got bird nest here so I avoid watering the plant.

Finally found the culprit. Saw him in the park with that distinctive telegram/electric curcuit noise:

Light vented bulbul in Taiwan. From Taiwan birds Twitter

Sorry to say, my cats have caught a couple of these.


This was a really successful breeding season…there’s tons of them out there.


Ha, that seemed like a likely culprit, but I figured you’d know them since one turned up dead on your floor previously (as I remember).


Eh you mean last week? Yep, several. But I haven’t seen them alive and singing.

I remember you posting about it a couple of years back maybe.

Yep. There are many around here. But last week’s cadaver was too mangled. There were just a few green and white feathers for identification.


Keep your mini-predators under control!


Yes, it is a bird.

It’s a baby barn owl.

Whoa…looks like a baby alien.

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Not sure if I should post in Bird of the Day…
…or in WTF Story of the Week.

Waitrose ducklings and egg carton _112864608_101316577_251843539466592_3000451744825081856_n
Waitrose ducklings _112864604_103430691_261213905297988_17319034868001760_n
Waitrose ducklings _112864606_101564736_276978553685502_4668920039649312768_n

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Why not both? :grin:

What am I, a lactation consultant with an addiction to upping the :heart: count by “forgetting” about previous posts? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well fine, since you insist:smile:

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Osprey catches shark :open_mouth:


Now, that must be a pretty big osprey!

Or a very small shark? :thinking:

Nah, mate. Sharks are frikken HUGE. Don;t you watch the movies?

Now I really want to see a video of an osprey catching a great white.

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i still like this guy

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not a bird but still cute and deserves inclusion as there are no fish of the day