Birth control pill and acne

Does anybody know the name of a birth control pill that is also against acne? I used to take one in Europe but they dont sell the same here. And the people in the pharmacies dont understand what i want if I try to explain in english. (I don`t speak chinese).
Do you know any products and maybe also where I can buy it?

I have definitely seen Diane-35 here. The packaging may be a little different than in the west, but it’s the same stuff.

There is a pharmacy that has this on one of the busier streets behind/around the Mitsukoshi department store at Taipei Main Station. However, you’ll probably fare better if you just walk around some streets that you know and look for a neighbourhood pharmacy. Birth control pills are pretty common.

Almost all pharmacies have people who speak English around somewhere. If there’s nobody who understands what you’re saying, you’ll probably get what you need by presenting a piece of paper on which you’ve written down the name of the product.

If that doesn’t work, present them with a list of the active ingredients, i.e. the hormones in the pill. Even if they don’t have the specific pill you want, they might have something similar with the same hormones. Go to for more info about what’s in it.

I believe Diane 35 was discontinued in Taiwan 4 months ago. There may be a few left on some shelves somewhere…but…

better to try a different pharmacy for english or ask a local doctor for advise, they usually speak better english

They have various brands of low-dose birth control pills such as Minulet and Marvelon along with other local brands at most pharmacies. Instead of birth control pills you can try asking for “oral pills” which some English speaking pharmacists understand or 避孕藥- bi4yun4yao4.

The effects of going on the pill can vary from person to person and many women experience clearing up of the skin (a good side effect) or weight gain, spotting, etc. If you can’t find the brand you normallly use, I would advise talking to a doctor before trying something new.