Bitoujiao Hiking Area

Happy medium. Look for the loop hole, grab that exception, go with the flow.

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Cafe?! Are you sure you’re asking about a hiking trail and not a shopping mall?

Between biking bouldering hiking snorkeling in the morning and afternoon, yes, a shopping mall would be nice for an hour in the middle of the day.

I prefer for a few hours to get out of the scorching heat and hazardous UV between like 12:00 and 2.

Bitoujiao isn’t really hard hiking though it’s it? I think It’s a few kilometers on mostly prepared trails.

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Pro tip: If you want to go on another trail, which is much quieter and takes you almost right above the highway, with the option to go further through thick high grass terrain (skin scratches guaranteed) ending near Bitou Cape, the trailhead is a bit further east from the parking lot/restaurant area right beside a tiny Earth God temple.