Bitten by a snake!

A friend of mine, photographer Rich Matheson ( got bitten by a snake just after dark today while in Namasia, Kaohsiung County (his wife’s home region).

Took three hours for the ambulance to get him to hospital (the roads up there were trashed by Morakot) but now he’s feeling much better.

So take care when you’re in the boondocks.

If you get bitten by a snake, it’s vitally important to be able to identify or at least accurately describe the offending serpent. Was he able to do so?

I believe not, Omni. It was dark and he was clearing brush to stop the campfire from starting a forest fire. He was bitten on the thumb. It didn’t swell much and when I spoke to him about 10-20pm he was able to clench/unclench his hand normally. He said his heart was doing strange things during the ambulance ride, which I guess was the effect of the poison.

He’s being given more than anti-venom and they expect to keep him in for three days to ensure he’s alright.

I love snakes, but my lack of knowledge about local species leads me to be naturally afraid of them when I come across them. I always wanted a snake and still would love one as a pet, albeit acknowledge my own lack of time to be able to correctly care and appreciate one. I admire anyone who has the patience and know-how to properly care for one though.
3 hours! Well that’s a statement in itself. I would recommend a taxi in such a situation. Lucky bugger!

I believe not, Omni. It was dark and he was clearing brush to stop the campfire from starting a forest fire. He was bitten on the thumb. It didn’t swell much and when I spoke to him about 10-20pm he was able to clench/unclench his hand normally. He said his heart was doing strange things during the ambulance ride, which I guess was the effect of the poison.

He’s being given more than anti-venom and they expect to keep him in for three days to ensure he’s alright.[/quote]

He’s being given anti venom without any sort of ID on the snake that bit him? Interesting.

Jesus, good to hear he’s pulling through. Namasiya doesn’t need any more casualties.

I believe not, Omni. It was dark and he was clearing brush to stop the campfire from starting a forest fire. He was bitten on the thumb. It didn’t swell much and when I spoke to him about 10-20pm he was able to clench/unclench his hand normally. He said his heart was doing strange things during the ambulance ride, which I guess was the effect of the poison.

He’s being given more than anti-venom and they expect to keep him in for three days to ensure he’s alright.[/quote]

He’s being given anti venom without any sort of ID on the snake that bit him? Interesting.[/quote]

I think Profab is some sort of general anti-venom used in many snake bite cases, but also when the snake is unidentifiable. I only got this impression from watching that now famous American snake bite doctor on discovery however. He seems to administer it to almost everyone who walks or falls in the door, no matter what they have been bitten by. According to that doctor at the time of making that series Profab was the best anti venom, but not all hospitals had it and it was more expensive than older, less effective anti venoms.

I’ve been warned several times by locals to be careful or even not to go into the shrub to make my macros … the only snakes I’ve seen until now were in dry skin form or sliding across the road several feet in front of me … never encountered any in the shrub … luckily …

There have been many sightings/encounters with snakes in Hualien recently. Friends came across an angry Taiwan Cobra blocking their exit out of a tunnel. Bamboo vipers defending their position at head high branches along the trail. I believe it is due to the rise in water level and the upcoming hibernation season. The snakes need to “stock-up” and find a pad for the winter. All of this is going on whilst being displaced from their normal territory. Here’s a cool link about snakes: … snakes.htm

p.s. I have video of what I think is a Taiwan Habu, Tortoise Snake. At least 180cm long.

Look at the last minute of this video for important snake bite information.

Spoke to Rich this morning by phone (he’s still in hospital) and he’s basically OK. He’ll be in for at least another 24 hours.

Ouch. Next time you speak to him, pass on my best wishes.

Rich was discharged from hospital Wednesday lunchtime. Seems to be fully recovered.