BJJ JAM, mid March

Hey guys,

The Forge in Kaohsiung is holding a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar and tournament in mid-March. We’re trying to keep the tournament friendly and informal.

In the future we hope that other cities/clubs can organise more small tournaments here in Taiwan.

Here are the details:

Southern Taiwan BJJ Jam
(Training Camp and BJJ Tournament open
for everyone beginners as well as advanced).

Date: March 15 (Sat) and March 16 (Sun)
Location: Kaoshiung Forge/Judo hall
12.00-14.00 Technique Class
15.00-17.00 Technique Class
10.00-12.00 Technique Class
13.00-16.00 Gi Tournament

Tournament weight divisions
White: -70, -80, +80
Blue: Open
Price: 500 NT per day

Contact (info and registration):, (Chinese)

TTT for those who can’t afford to go to the Hong Kong tournament :frowning: but still want to compete, for those who want to get ready for the said tourney and for those in the south who would be curious about BJJ and just wanna watch.