Black Hair Salon, Barber or Hairdresser? Extensions/weaves?

Are there any salons that cater to black hair? Or even just do them on the side? I have braids and would like to keep them when I make it to Taipei.

I recently got my hair cut at Aveda salons. Dropped a bomb, but wel worth it. For braids, however, you’re better off just letting them grow out. I had to cut my own out after I got them done in Notting Hill a few years ago. And stock up on enough hair supplies to get you through to your next trip home because they do not exist here.

I did meet a girl who said she was familar with braids. PM Miltownkid and ask him to connect you with Blood. It’s Blood’s girlfriend




I bet Eddie at Mix and Match could do them. He worked in London for 10 years. I’ll ask him next time I go and get my hair cut.

Could you ask him if he is familiar with dreadlock care. thanks bushibanned. :notworthy: :bravo:

hey girls,

to get a faster answer to your questions, since I don’t know when I’m getting my haircut again, give Eddie a call:

09 3232 2843

He’s off on Sunday but is at the salon after 10am during the rest of the week. This is the cell number he has on his card… so it’s ok to call.

hope he can help!

Thanks for the info… I’m not in Taipei (I’m in Korea right now) but if you find out if he does them could you post it so I know before I come? Thanks!

I can hook you up with Aleck from Aveda. He did a nice conditioning on my hair, plus you get a free neck and back massage and their mint tea with your hair treatment. They also do relaxers, although I’m not sure if it’s our kind or the Japanese kind only. He did cluck over my hair and asked me when was the last time I put a relaxer in it.

Thanks for the offer, but as I won’t actually be making it to Taipei for several months (must finish my contract here in Korea first) I will have to pass… I’ll probably ask the same question again right before I come just in case one crops up somewhere, but this was just part of my preliminary research. Thanks all for your help though!

Do you think he’s well versed in black hair? I need my dreads to be treated.

I’m not sure if he is, but it never hurts to ask. :slight_smile:

Which aveda is it?

The one in the basement of the Breeze Center.


My wife is from Zambia and we have seemingly exhausted options to find hair products for her and a salon that knows how to manage that type of hair. Any suggestions?
It seems that the internet and mail order companies for these products will NOT ship internationally - from any country. Please help us.

Not on African hair specifically, but I recall seeing comments in this thread on someone with more experience in terms of a variety of foreign hair types in general. Have a look.

African hair takes specialization as it is more sensitive to breaks and dryness and has a very different texture from the hair of other ethnicities. Even though to earn a cosmetology license, a beautician has to train on styling African hair, they usually don’t have to spend much time learning how to care and treat it and then never work with black hair once their training ends. The fact that he works with foreigners’ hair types does not mean he is qualified or even experienced enough (or has the equipment and supplies necessary) to work with African hair.

Since this thread has turned into a discussion about hair, I figured it would be appropriate to ask here…

Does anybody know of a black barber in Taipei for men? I want to get fades and edge ups but haven’t found any Taiwan barbers who can do this. I shave my head and reallllllyyyy want to get an edge up so it looks nice. If any of you guys can do it then I’d be willing to pay.