Blacklist of schools

I covered for a friend at an American Eagle and it was fine, with the exception of the amount of bookwork required in class. It was an incredible amount, 4 or 5 pages a lesson, and it had to be completed. Left no time for doing fun stuff with the kids.

It’s what the market demands, I guess. Poor kids.

That’s true and some classes can be double that. Keeping up with their schedule was such a pain, especially with holidays and school events that interrupt classes. It was pretty much teach the material then do the workbook pages. Then depending on your class size, class would probably be over. Not much time to review previous lessons and definitely no time for games or activities.

I was lucky though, most of my students accepted the fact that we had to work a lot. For my large class they knew they would almost never play games, so to keep them happy and willing to work I gave them lots of points for various worksheets or silent reading as others were working. Points were used to get random toys or junk. My smaller class knew if they worked hard and quickly they could play games.

It really depends on which Hess you teach at. Most of the horror stories seem to come from the big Hess franchises in urban areas on the west coast. I’ve known several teachers at more rural Hess locations who were fine with it.

Yes, I can’t stress this enough. The work load is huge. Especially at the higher levels. If the students miss one lesson or don’t grasp the concept taught it’s hard from them to catch up. Also, the grammar books can teach two different concepts in the one lesson.

I see some teachers just write all the answers on the board and have the kids copy them down. Then for the weekly quizzes write the answers on the board fir the kids to copy. That way the parents get their little trophy in the form of a perfect score and the kids thinks they are smart.

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Glad that your admitting that your appearance gives you the advantage in Taiwan. A lot of white/Caucasian in Thailand wouldn’t admit to the fact that white appearance gives them an advantage. I’m Vietnamese-American (parents from Vietnam. I’m born in America). I got discriminated sometimes in Thailand for looking Asian and teaching English.

British Council seem to treat their teachers well. But I heard that you have to have high credentials to work there.

No worries. Thank you for replying. This is a lot of good information about American Eagle. Each American School seems to be different. They seems to be a lot of work with being a teacher at American Eagle.

I’ve heard they aren’t really hiring locally much anymore. They’re focusing on filipino teachers who work remotely. From what I understand, they pretty much only have part time in Taiwan now. That’s what a coworker I worked with told me. I could be mistaken.

You are mistaken. The British Council in Taipei do have a teacher who is from the Philippines.

I’m trying to figure out the nonsense your coworker has told you. Is it related to IELTS examining listening and reading? Still flat out wrong, but closer.

Right, they had been a trainer for years and came to my school as the new policy a few years ago was that they couldn’t offer full time so they weren’t able to offer a visa. That’s for the officeb in Taipei.

Regarding the testing, I’m pretty sure they said the writing was being shipped out and the speaking part was one of the only components left to do on island as they need foreigners in person. They mentioned the whole test used to be done on island but decisions on sections of it began to be marked remotely.

I’m just sharing what they told me. If you have other info I’d love to hear it.

Who knows, it maybe they just got let go and we bitter.

With regards to IELTS examining your colleague is correct. With regards to Filipino teachers working remotely your colleague is not.

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Thanks for the info.

It’s not necessarily correct info. I don’t work there.

There’s an unidentifiable technical issue in this thread that’s making it impossible for us to split posts from it. Until we can hopefully figure it out some day, I’m starting a new thread for now.

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