Blair and Brown not invited to Royal Wedding

Blair and Brown are not invited. Major and Thatcher are (though the evil one herself is not attending due to ill health - too bad).

At the last royal wedding all the living ex PMs went (Macmillan, Douglas-Home, Wilson, Heath, Callaghan).

It’s unlikely (not) going to be the couple themselves who’ve made this choice.

I’m no fan of Blair or Brown but playing a part in an illegal war and sucking up to the Thatcherites who preceded you (failing to regulate the banks) do not count as reasons for the monarchy to take sides. They are impartial or they are nothing. It’s either close friends only, or all significant statesmen.

It seems that No 10 (a cousin of the Queen) is playing politics.

Gosh! Well, I say, GOLLY! You DON’T think? Could this even be POSSIBLE? That you’re somehow saying that this ISN’T jsut a jolly old knees-up to congratulate the happy couple? That somehow, in some strange way, politics ISN’T involved? God’s BLOOD, man! tHIS IS britain WE’RE TALKING ABOUT! Such vile aspersions as cast by you should put you in the Tower to rot for evermore! FIE on you, you unpatriotic SWINE!

I would invite either of the *unts either.

Actually I’ve been dying to say that somewhere public. I feel like a great weight has been lifted.


I wouldn’t invite Cunteron either but sometimes you have to bite your lip. Then again, he is family I suppose.

Yea but was Cameron even born in the UK, wheres his birth certificate?
Opps, wrong thread

Methinks the sandman wasn’t invited either. :ponder:

Methinks the sandman wasn’t invited either. :ponder:[/quote]
I was. I RSVP’d with a smell-o-vision photograph of my naked buttocks.

Methinks the sandman wasn’t invited either. :ponder:[/quote]
I was. I RSVP’d with a smell-o-vision photograph of my naked buttocks.[/quote]


[quote=“saddletramp”]Yea but was Cameron even born in the UK, wheres his birth certificate?
Opps, wrong thread[/quote]
you don’t know much about Cameron

1900 people were invited. But Obama was NOT. I didnt find my invite in the mailbox today either.

Ambassadors get automatic invites, apparently. Heads of state seems to be restricted to wannabes and two-bit dictators from the arse-end-of-nowhere. Were Berlusconi or Sarkozy there? William (sorry, the Duke of Cambridge) would have wanted to keep a close eye on the bride if they were.