Thanks, TC. Happy Easter!
“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”…Matthew 28:6…KJV
On my way to church now. Happy Easter to all.
Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter to all!
And now for something a little different:
The choir of the holy monastery of Vatopaidi mount Athos Greece singing the byzantine hymn of the holy easter
The Christ is risen from the dead.The icon of Christ in the video is one of the oldest of the orthodox church 6th century AD,and it depicts Christ Pantokrator.
His left eye is the eye of judgment that brings fear to the angels,and reminds of the judgment day,that is to come,while his right eye is the eye of mercy and his love for man,The icon is in the monastery of Sinai.The icon was a gift to the monastery from Emperor Justinian.
Xristos Anesti !
Happy Easter everyone!
Those Byzantines can really crank some phat beats.
κύριε έλέησον! χριστέ έλέησον! κύριε έλέησον!
Happy Easter everyone.
What IS Easter, by the way? I know it has egghunts and rabbits and all. There’s a religious aspect? What is it?
The resurrection of Jesus.
There’s also some nice dinners, and often days off involved. And Cadbury’s Chocolate Eggs.
In accordance with recent instructions from Maoman, which I’m interpreting fairly broadly, unnecessary posts have been removed from this thread.
That must have been an amazing time about 2000 years ago with the many people coming out of their tombs and walking around Jerusalem (Matthew 27:52 and 53), and then Jesus returning to life on Sunday morning.
If I had a time machine, I’d set it for this moment in history.
Happy Easter!
That was very deftly ambiguous zender. Congratulations on receiving the benefit of the doubt.
Happy Easter, Fortigurn!
I envy your patience. Maybe that is why I have been reading posts in this forum.
I envy your patience. Maybe that is why I have been reading posts in this forum.[/quote]
You mean that you are waiting to see what it takes to make him crack?
Fortigurn has a pretty tough skull, so it’s gonna take a while.
Happy Easter, Fortigurn!
Thank you zender. Your hilarious initial post prompted stupidity from people who can’t read properly, and I nearly deleted it to avoid it leading other illiterates astray, but I relented. heimuoshu, welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here.