The national political press corps has plenty of reasons to be fascinated by the prospect of (newly) independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg running for President next year. [/quote]
Not a Republican, not a Democrat. A Ross Perot from the liberal elitest Northeast. Seems like 2008 run off might be the “Rainbow” race. Every nutcase is coming out of the woodworks for this free for all.
So can a short, Jewish, divorce, billionaire have a shot at the White House. How well will he do against the short, Italian-but-speaks-like-an-Irish, divorce, millionaire? What are his chances against the short, WASP, really-should-have-divorced, millionaire?
3 candidate races are always entertaining, and this one should be even more entertaining if Guiliani takes the Republican nomination. Then if Hillary takes the Democratic domination it’ll be an all NY showdown. Perhaps they could just settle it via street fight?
Correct of course, there’s not really much chance of Bloomburg actually winning the thing.
The real question would be which party will he screw up the most by running. It’s actually kind of funny, because if the Republicans ran Guliani and Bloomburg stole some votes from the Democratic nominee, you could actually have the Republicans winning NY because of Bloomburg. How about that for a coup?
I’d expect to see the Democrats really go after Bloomburg. They are determined to get the White House back and figure that with the current administrations approval ratings its theirs for the taking. The only thing that can screw it up is a massive scandal or some kooky 3 way election.
I think a poll has already shown Bloomberg would take equally from Guliani and Clinton votes.
I also think both parties would try to destroy him, since he has allegiance to neither party. Having witness the party mechanism work in the noble task of character assassination, Bloomberg would be spending quite a bit of his own fortunes defending himself and trying to attack others.
Bloomy would take more votes from the Democrats because of his liberal stance on many issues from abortion to gun-control. Still, no Independent has gotten over 20% of votes. Maybe he’ll pick a better running mate than Perot.
Bloomberg spoke at my brothers graduation. He was absolutely brilliant. My favorite statement by him, he said, I was the one that made the top 50% possible ( in reference to academics). I think the US could use a great businessman as President. I don’t think he is a nut case. I think he should run in 2012, not now. He is definitely charismatic, sticks to his guns and, says things the way they are. I think his problem is that he will stick his foot in his mouth too many times. I would vote for him I was definitely impressed with his character, intelligence, and humor.
The speech I heard is listed here if anyone wants to see what he said. A lot of the humor gets lost in the translation to the written word. There are also a lot of references to Oklahoma and the campus which are inherently inside jokes.
@djkonstable, I think you probably meant to say “Trump” in your comment (and not MB) way back when, as all those descriptions aptly apply to Orangeman.
You were just off by 4 years. Great call!