Blue Cheese

I know that this exotic delicacy has been discussed before but with the new search engine, I failed to find.
Anyway, Costco has blue cheese. A bit spendy but as a guy with a Finnish grandpop, my sis and I used to find and devour his hourd whilst he was on his fishing trips for many weeks. He used to get so angry but the blue/white (no crude comments should be inserted here) balls of the delicacy were too inviting. We would devour the whole damn thing before he got home. I still recall him chasing me down the lane with a bat in his hand. hehehehe. I was younger and faster.
Never will forget Finnish Blue Cheese that has been aged for a few months and, the special part, pop wants it before me!
Anyway, sitting here with a plate of blue cheese and Ritz was what set me off.