Blufr questions

After each post I make I get a tiny tiny question appear from

The question disappears before I can read it. And if I am quick enough to stab at the answer it doesnt link anywhere to tell me if I am correct or not.

Gheyest add-on ever.

Hmm. let me try.

And again.


Yeah, it gave me three seconds to ponder the question before disappearing. I guessed quickly on the second attempt and it took me to this page: … uf_id=3960

Pretty anti-climactic. :snore:

well, what were expecting - the meaning of life :wink:

At the very least, I think I’ve finally figured out how to put things in the space. Been wondering about this for a while

Now my answers don’t take me to blufr anymore :frowning:

I’ll test this out tonight when I get home. I’m connecting via a UK proxy right now. I’ll be online directly from the local phone company in Shanghai - but it shouldn’t make a difference either way

When you answer a post you’re just left with little wheels spinning and silly questions. I liked it before when it took you back so you could see if your post went up okay.

I also think it’s slowing things down.


There is just enough time to read the question. You can always click the link below to go back to your message. But it will automatically send you back anyway

Now that you’ve figured out how to fill the space, why not just use it for advertisers banners instead. The question things are silly. (This is also a test, by the way – I haven’t been experiencing the problems with it that you gays seems to have).

Edit: Nope, I get the spinning question marks then a true/false option for an inane question, the answer to which I have no interest in finding out. Not too small to read, either.

And I don’t even have to put this in the mis-quotes thread. :clap: