Bomb, bomb, bomb, Bomb Syria

[quote]Jotham wrote
Saddam wanted to invade Saudi Arabia[/quote]

Saddam had no intention of ever going into SA. This was nonsense spewed by Bush and the pro war media. Like the babies in incubators bullshit they lied about.
Kuwait was seen to Iraq as part of their country before the UK decided to make a new country. And the Kuwaitis were taking oil from Iraq. After getting what was perceived by Saddam as a green light from the US (he fell right into it) he invaded.

The worrying thing about Obama (who incidentally had drones bombing people while he collected his Nobel ‘peace’ prize) going to congress is that congress is filled with representatives that are bought and paid for by special interest groups and corporations. Obama can’t start something without their approval and that has to coincide with the interest of these groups. It is a shit setup as wars are approved for all the wrong reasons.