I’m sure any foreigner who likes bathing has already visited a Boots Pharmacy in Taipei…have you ever tried to browse in there without the staff continuously bothering you with their fancy English? I mean, I know it’s a foreign company, but so is McDonald’s, and they definitely are happy if you can speak Chinese.
Every time I go, I’m just waiting to be attacked (verbally assaulted?) by the staff in English…I think it’s their training by the foreign management. I saw a white guy running into the back office once while I was there.
The worst episode I ever had there was once when I was browsing, minding my own business…and this management-type woman barged over and proclaimed:
“Sir, if there is anything you are unable to find in the store, or if you desire any assistance of any kind whilst shopping here at Boots, please don’t hesitate to inquire about our products or services.”…to which I replied with a loud “XIE XIE!”