Boris Johnson will be the UKs next PM

It looks like he is set to be the next PM.

He seriously and desperately needs a professional hair stylist!

If agent orange still hasn’t fixed his hair, what makes you think this windbag will?


Let’s see if he can get the Navy back into shape.

Oh, and there’s Brexit.

Posterity will judge him by his results.

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I don’t think he will get an opportunity to do anything at all . Stalemate . Ultimately there will need to be a General Election to gain a majority of consequence. something that May had , and gave away . Truly the worst PM we have ever had … and I include some pretty dodgy Labour ones in that … wait Tony Blair / Gordon Brown … in fact the last 20 years have produced a spineless bunch of tossers .


It’s not possible to find unbiased articles on this sort of topic. But, better than nothing:

i could put up with his bumbling toff act before, but it doesn’t really work when in the serious position of leading a country…that is currently up shits creek.


When they have their fill of all the bumbling toffs, then they will have had their fill of big government.

And then there will be another golden age for about two generations until everybody forgets why the golden age happened in the first place. History repeats itself because memory fades.

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i think we have all had our fill of these twats!

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I’m just getting a little nervous at the label of “ bumbling Toff” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: , much as it may apply to some , it’s quite hurtful to @BiggusDickus and myself … we may have to send a strongly worded letter to you .


If only there were rational elected representatives. Sigh

The American term would be “douche.” (Which is also French for “ze showair.”)

The precise meaning in either case: “a stupid piece of shit who thinks he’s better than you, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.”

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He’s a spoofer…Bad choice.

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Nicola sturgeon for PM.
She’s like the only sane one.

Brian o Nolan would be better, but you have to work with what you’ve got.



In your case, isn’t it more a case of a “crashing at high speed toff”? Bumbling is surely a much more sedate activity.

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You utter cad , Sir . :yum:

A clown runs Britain, a comedian runs the Ukraine, a reality show star runs the US, what’s next?

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