
I like that France was trying to follow Israel’s strategy of:“Open borders for everyone but us!”, sending migrants back to Spain (and I remember cases from Italy as well).

Once upon a time, the British might have rolled up their sleeves (and rolled out the cannon) and said, “righto chaps, let’s get on with it”.

But not today.


Argentina thought that too:sunglasses:

I agree. There’s far too much peevishness and not enough “how do we fix this?”. The EU went from being a mutual support group to an abuse session run by Nurse Ratched.

Part of the problem seems to be absolute rigidity of belief in certain economic policies. No recognition that different countries have unique economic strengths and weaknesses that need a bit of outside-the-box thinking to make the most of, or to work around.


The EU using this stick approach is really backfiring. There is a lot of resentment to the EU already in places such as France and the Netherlands. It’s a little analogous to China threatening Taiwan with missiles anytime there is even a murmur of Independance. They’ve learned that only backfires and have simmered down that approach. If for example the people of Cornwall wanted independence then yes sure give them a vote, the last thing you’d want to do is agree but only on multi billion dollar payments and threats of doom and gloom. In fact there was a Cornwall independence demo but only 5 people turned up. Why can’t we self govern our own lands? We were promised a referendum and Leave won it. End of.

These are the stats…With the exception of the UK and Greece the general public are favourable towards the EU.

The UK can leave within a week, contrary to your claims it’s the UK that can’t figure out if it wants to do that or not.

In fact the EU has also offered to sign the deal May came up with after putting in all her stupid red lines, and the EU has also offered possibility of an extension to the UK self imposed deadline for exit !

You do sound like a typical old empire Brit, those days are gone matey. Stop blaming others for your problems. The UK has massive internal division . Almost all my British colleagues (who work for a living and are well educated) think Brexit was a dumb decision and the follow up governance even dumber.

How would it be contrary the referendum voted out. The people want out it is the politicians that are not wishing to implement the will of the people. If they dont implement it then the EU is the equivalent of a colonial invading power. There will be repercussions as you should well know. Coming from Ireland.

My British colleagues say having another referendum may be the way forward.

Will of the people right now is to stay in.

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How many do they want? Two, three, four?
And they’d thought they’d win last time too.

It wouldn’t be the same referendum.


2m is less than the last times Remain vote.

That’s just the petition to cancel the whole mess.

If there was a referendum right now and the option was there the vote would probably be to stay in. That’s what all the polls are saying.

You and most Brexit supporters know it, hence the rush to crash out and the resistance to asking what people actually want in a second referendum.

Will of the people should be known as to what kind of Brexit they want right ? Second referendum makes sense.

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We had it last time out or in. That’s just a cynical ploy to divide the leave supporters into different camps. No, actually I think in a second referendum , most leave supporters wouldn’t vote as the vote if won by leave would be ignored anyway and they’d probably want a third.

It’s a cyncial ploy ? I think it’s fairly straightforward , ask what people actually want from Brexit.

Anyway, the EU has already reached near it’s limit with the UK screwing around so…When you elect a miNority govt run by May that’s what happens. She declared the red lines and activated article 50 when it’s unnecessary. Terrible negotiator.

I have friends who are staunch remain supporters who would vote leave if there was a second referendum, just out of protest to the government not following through with their promises.

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Yes, it’s human nature. I could see that happening.
It works the other way too, if the EU had been helpful and not so confrontational many leave may have changed their minds too

I agree she’s a terrible negotiator


Am not saying was British fault, but please stop coming to my face like you saved Europe. Cause you did not. You were saving your own ass, while abusing your vassal states and getting enormous help from USA. Americans saved western Europe, not Brits. You were just a side player. Get over, old days of glory empire are long time ago gone.

We had 50 years of communism. For many east Europeans Germany victory would transfer in higher living standards today. And i say this as someone coming from strong anti fascist and anti communist family.

Victory is ofc written by winners. Enough of this.

Brexit shows everything what is wrong about with west. West is in distractions going on for last 20 years, starting with bombing Afghanistan, Iraq. West deals with unimportant politics, while third worlds dictatorship countries are on the rise, sharing more and more of world GDP and becoming aggressive as never before. Russia and China are serious threats and EU does nothing about it.

I do agree, more should be done within EU, there is lack of proper leadership indeed. But is by far best international union connecting such various nations and economies with really huge gap in productivity.

I take my EU passport over American passport or Chinese passport anytime. Many state members offer available national health care, high level of freedom, clean environment and good earning potential.

I do not know about numbers, but i lived around east Europe, in few countries. I never got food poison there, but i got it in Taiwan like 5 times. Ending up in hospital for few days. From personal experience i always feel Taiwan is much more dirty. With hell with political correctness, Chinese people have low hygiene standards

When you mention Romania, was there with Romanian gf, terrible infrastructure and corrupted state indeed. But farmers sell their food properly on morning market and meat was in refrigerator. No one tried to scam me. While in Taiwan… buying on fresh market is like travelling back to middle ages.

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That’s not entirely correct, though.

The EU is actually helping both Russia and China. Several EU states have become dependent on Russia for gas (hello, Merkel!). Which is interesting if you think about the fact that one of the reasons why the EU was supposed to be a great idea was to fight back USSR/Russia’s influence.

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