
You got me, sir.

Surprising, as I spent a lot of my youth in them.

You know that I am only joking . Infamy, infamy…:grinning:
I guess that I had almost beaten my dyslexia but you crushed me .:cold_sweat:

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That was a very interesting video. Saw his stuff after the referendum.but not before.

For a lot of folks the brexit vote was all about throwing a spanner in the works, because the UK system wasn’t supposedly benefiting them but somebody else. I hope they enjoy their further reduced living standards which they voted for .

That’s unpleasant to wish that on low income people just because they did not vote for who you wanted. Lets say you’re right and their vote was ill informed, and not the best, so then you really want them to have even more miserable lives than they have already ? I wouldn’t wish a protestant death squad to go round to your place just because you want to vote for a United Ireland. Why relish in others misery ? You’re not even British.

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There is no spoon.

Correct, I am not even British. :wink:
These guys are British. Britain for British people !

The mangy DUP tail is wagging the British dog trying to push all of UK out with No Deal. Get in bed with them and you catch rabies.



Thec IRA are pretty mangy… No different to the land grabbing ANC or Robert Mugabe. Didnt the ANC fund the IRA along with the IRAs best friend Gadaffi ? Oh look what happened to Gadaffi, beaten to death like a sniveling coward. He was a wannabe communist too , the similarities are striking. First you deny there were no attacks on Irish protestants (including the murders of children) , but I proved you wrong (well just exposed you), then now you brag about your own family taking land of Irish protestants by the barrel of a gun. What’s the difference between that and the murders of farmers in South Africa ?

Below a modern day Irish Lady outside a department store in Dublin

I think you should get back to Brexit.:wine_glass: Not much time left to sort if all out.

The local gentry mostly died out or moved away to England starting well over a hundred years ago. They were never welcome and lived in their own bubble behind high walls that were built in famine times. They were using it as a way to finance their lifestyles in London or Dublin (absentee landlords). Our land was distributed by the state and payments made for it. Theres still quite a few Anglo Irish landowners dotted around . Some Anglo Irish were on our side mostly (the old English e.g. fitzgeralds). In some areas the big houses were burnt out during the war of independence but most were untouched actually. During wars a lot worse could have happened. I never heard of any atrocities in the local area and they remained living in the houses till relatively recent times…Most of them sell out to hotels eventually.

British should redistribute the vast lands and properties owned by the aristocracy (some families holding onto it for four hundred years already). Sell it off and build houses on 30% of it. Instead they cram people in the overcrowded towns and cities and doff their hats at m’lud and m’lady and Sir Iboughtmytitle.

As for the regular church of Ireland folk, their numbers slowly dwindled over the years as they intermarried or moved away. They were never big breeders.

I agree with some of what you say. How do you feel about Edmund Burke? I’m curious as to your views on him although off topic ?

Not as famous as the Duke of Wellington, (who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo and brought in Catholic emancipation as Prime minister) still not liked in Ireland though due to a comment he once made about a horse, what are you going to do…

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Yes Wellington was a fantastic military mind he had great military successes in India as well. The poet Byron was another Anglo Irish. Anyway Brian seems to be a little hateful of them. He should at least be grateful for Guinness.
I’m still surprised at the “Irish” peoples love affair with the EU. Not really the "Irish " spirit but times change. Good luck to them anyway. Never surrender right Brian !:roll_eyes:
I’ll check out the horse comment.

Edmund Burke was a great orator , an intellectual , ahead of his time. I don’t know much about him to be honest. Oscar Wilde is the most interesting anglo Irish figure and wit, his mother was a nationalist too. Wolfetone was a great patriot. So was Robert Emmet.

Ireland has actually been on the fault lines between the UK and Continental Europe several times before. It is something of a recurring theme.

Case in point, a protestant of French Hugenot extraction, his family in fact refugees that fled to England to evade religious persecution in France, and then he leads a huge ‘French Armada’ invading force to Ireland although it didn’t actually land due to weather. Sounds like a confused trouble maker to me.

Byron was Anglo-Irish? Where did you find that factoid? I thought he was flat-out English with a bit of Scottish.

If you want a decent Anglo-Irish poet you can’t go wrong with Yeats.

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Cant stand him. Oscar Wilde definitely though. Also Jonathan Swift. Neither of them were that into the poetry, but if they were they’d have been miles better than Yeats. I find it hard to express just how much I dislike Yeats…