Britain To Ban Wild Animals From Circuses … om-circus/

About bloody time, too. Let’s hope that this legislation is adopted by more and more countries. :bow:


About bloody time, too. Let’s hope that this legislation is adopted by more and more countries. :bow:[/quote]
I heard from a friend that there is some new animal rights legislation in Russia just announced a few days ago. I cannot find it yet but it has happened. Maybe you will be able to find it quicker than me. Apparently it is pretty heavy and has shocked quite a few people.


About bloody time, too. Let’s hope that this legislation is adopted by more and more countries. :bow:[/quote]

Too bloody right. What sort of people go to watch animals performing at circuses?


About bloody time, too. Let’s hope that this legislation is adopted by more and more countries. :bow:[/quote]

Too bloody right. What sort of people go to watch animals performing at circuses?[/quote]
The kind who pay money for tickets. These spectacles wouldn’t exist if there was no demand. I was actually kind of surprised when I read about the brutalized elephant – I thought performing animals were already a thing of the past in Britain.

They’re still allowed to use domesticated animals, though. Goats, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc. Unfortunately the banning only applies to wild animals. I see that Greece is in the process of outlawing all animals in circuses.

I went to a few circuses in my youth, and always found the animal shows boring. I was there for the clowns and trapeze.

I’d like to see some of those Cirque Du Soleil shows. I don’t think they use animals.

Instead of real wild animals, why not use soccer hooligans instead?

We use them as front line infantry soldiers instead.