British Council teachers fight for better pay

I didn’t know that was the case back then. I had a feeling that things were faster and looser, but perhaps I was wrong.

There is under unionized and over unionized. Teachers are a fun group to follow given their normally pretty entitled environment in rich countries and their vastly under appreciated situation in poverty.

Taiwanese teachers are certainly put into the privileged group though. At least the legal ones. But everyone understands everyone wants more…

They were. But there were far fewer foreigners and the stable ones among them were a prized commodity.


I know one of them from way back (mid-2000s) and he’s a really solid bloke.


Tells us you know nothing about being a teacher and have never been one in 5 sentences.

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I have taught in taiwan for many years and owned schools in Taiwan. I just see no point in bragging :wink: I also left the industry because it is so disgusting.

Now, what about my point do you think is incorrect? :slight_smile:

I would defo pay a few quid to watch them fight


For that hourly paid rate of 950 that’s never changed at BC, it says in the contract they have to do +30 mins of office hours. So it’s 950 for 1.5hrs. if they go teach 6 hours, they have to spend 9 hours there.

I know Joel and Jack. Nice guys.


The second sentence says it all.

You asked, I replied. Now, what was your point about my original point? No point acting like sentence 3 :sweat_smile:

His silence says it all.

Is that Riftat? I don’t think he is British…

I was being cocky and using an old Comrade Stalin line linked below. Am sure they are good blokes and am fully supportive of such a union realizing its an uphill battle in taiwan.

Police Beating of Paul Clark (Part 1) - Taiwan / Living in Taiwan - Forumosa

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As I said, the second sentence says it all.

Could you quote which post so anyone could understand your point? I am at a loss of what you are trying to say and don’t really feel it’s productive to keep playing the guessing game :slight_smile:

Could you quote which post so anyone could understand your point? I am at a loss of what you are trying to say and don’t really feel it’s productive to keep playing the guessing game :slight_smile:

You are agreeing with this I presume?

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I’ve heard this argument made a number of times by people who think that teachers are lazy and have lots of free time.

And? you agree? Depends on country and region. I stand by this issue for both taiwan and BC, Canada where I have experience in.

Again, read my original comment.