British people applying for APRC

Has any British person recently applied for a APRC and obtained all of the documents while being in Taiwan and without the help of anybody in the UK.

The reason I ask is I find that I cannot get the police check done without telling a lie. They need an address in the UK which you LIVE at. Plus the Taiwan rep office says they want a postal order as payment through the post or cash in person. How the heck do I get a British postal order?

Question for Mr Hartzell.

Do you know of any plans to stop asking for the Criminal record check for foreign spouses as I already produced one to get married and have not lived in any other country since?

This also may apply to America as my American friends all said they had theirs sent to either a friend’s or relative’s address saying that they live there. Which is therefore wrong and defeats the object of the check.

If you have lived in Taiwan for over five years (which you have done if you are applying for the APRC) then you can get a criminal record check in Taiwan. This used to be done through the foreign affairs police office, but now that they have the National Immigration Agency handling things you’ll have to check where to get one done.

Don’t they require both? One from your home country and one local?

I’m looking here, at article 8, headings A & B: … 5&t_type=d

My understanding is that there should be an “OR” between those options.

It would stand to reason that there should be but, as with many things involving residency, reason is not always king. Just curious because I’ll be going this route in a few months and getting a crimiminal record check from my home country is time consuming and a hassle, unless I actually return there and do it in person.

Last time I got both but my British run out. By 3 days. Not happy.

That’s strange. The reasons I was able to avoid getting a British CCRD were 1)I’d been in Taiwan for more than XX number of years and 2) The Brit authorities don’t issue such a document so the criteria was impossible to fulfil.
That was for a JFRV.

I didn’t check that I needed both I just did both. And that there is no such thing in Britain made me wonder why I need it. But who do I convince of this or where can I get a letter or proof of this to satisfy the foreign affairs here.

Does anybody have any official looking facts that it isn’t needed from the country that your passport is from but from Taiwan as you have lived here either more than 5 ( married ) or 7 years to apply for a PARC.