Brushing up on chengyu

Howdy folks. After years of study and professional application, I’m quite fluent in Chinese, but I feel that my knowledge of chengyu is still not quite where it should be for my level of spoken and written Chinese. Other than flipping through a chengyu-a-day-book (ain’t nobody got time for that), is there any shortcut for picking them up quickly, or should I just keep plodding along with my “learn-'em-as-I-see-'em” policy? I read a lot of Chinese everyday for work/fun/school/whatnot, but 啊 現在的年輕人啊 their chengyu usage may be even more limited than mine. :bow:

成語 are tough…I used to read the 成語 a day books too but there’s just too many…it wasn’t until reading them elsewhere, in context, that they really stuck in my head. One thing I do like is those children’s books with stories that go along with the 成語. That way, there’s a story that’s associated with the 成語, and it becomes a little more interesting and easy to remember.

Well I like to think I’m a bit past the children’s books level. The worst situation is when I’m writing in/translating into Chinese and I can tell my sentence is missing a kind of oomph that can only be brought about by the right chengyu at the right time; usually I turn to the person next to me and ask if there is an appropriate chengyu to sum up some kind of situation briefly, but I’d like to be more, you know, self-reliant.

Just learn by osmosis (TV, radio, people around you). The problem with actively learing them is you’ll end up learning ones that are obsolete. Why bother brushing up on those? You answered the question youself quite well:

We have a Chinese Expressions game, and will have the Chengyu deck out fairly soon, in both Carnival and War incarnations. The Expressions is really only set phrases that don’t mean what they might seem to mean from the surface meaning – not really chengyu (which is why we plan a chengyu product separately, later).

Chinese Expressions Carnival game (for study, you’d want the Chinese>English version, of course.)

Sorry, I’m kind of 狀況外 here. What exactly are these decks? Study cards?

I was telling my kid about Chengyu from the 3 Kingdoms, and he hadn’t heard of Chengyu before (he’s 11yo). I had asked ChatGPT how many Chengyu are derived from the 3 Kingdoms and GPT said there were hundreds of them.

The exact number of Chengyu (idiomatic expressions) originating from “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is difficult to quantify precisely, as there are numerous phrases and idioms derived from the novel that have become part of the Chinese language and culture over the centuries.

Estimates suggest that there are several hundred Chengyu that can be traced back to this literary classic. These idiomatic expressions have been integrated into various aspects of Chinese communication, reflecting the enduring influence of the novel on Chinese language and thought. While it’s challenging to provide an exact count, it’s safe to say that “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” has contributed significantly to the richness of Chengyu in the Chinese language.

As I explained what idiomatic expressions were, I suddenly realized that one of our favorite Star Trek episodes was about a language that was entirely idiomatic. Long story short: Chengyu and Darmok when the walls fell!!

This is cool

In case you were wondering, here are some of the Chengyu I asked GPT to list for me

Row Number Chinese Characters English Translation Theme Category Popularity Score 20-Word English Explanation
1 三國演義 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms General High The epic saga of the Three Kingdoms era, a tale of power, strategy, and heroic deeds.
2 臥薪嘗膽 Sleeping on straw and tasting gall Perseverance High Enduring hardships and setbacks with unwavering determination.
3 義薄雲天 A righteousness that obscures the skies Virtue High A profound sense of loyalty and righteousness that transcends all obstacles.
4 掎角之势 Attacking from two sides to gain advantage Strategy High Coordinated attacks from multiple directions for a tactical advantage.
5 草船借箭 Borrowing arrows with thatched boats Resourcefulness High Ingenious strategy to replenish resources by deceiving the enemy.
6 以德報怨 Repaying hatred with kindness Virtue Moderate Responding to animosity with benevolence, embodying high moral values.
7 自相矛盾 Self-contradictory Inconsistency Moderate A situation or behavior marked by contradiction or inconsistency.
8 忍辱負重 Bearing humiliation and heavy burdens Resilience Moderate Enduring humiliation and undertaking daunting tasks for a greater good.
9 見利忘義 Seeing profit and forgetting righteousness Moral Values Moderate Forsaking moral principles or loyalties for personal gain.
10 心狠手辣 Heartless and ruthless Character Traits Moderate Describes individuals or actions that are cold-hearted and ruthless.
11 借刀殺人 Borrowing a knife to kill someone Strategy Moderate Using others to eliminate adversaries or achieve objectives.
12 空城計 Empty fort strategy Strategy Moderate A psychological tactic to deter or mislead adversaries in a dire situation.
13 招兵買馬 Recruiting soldiers and buying horses Resource Accumulation Low Activities of expanding and strengthening one’s forces or resources.
14 破釜沉舟 Breaking the woks and sinking the boats Resolve Low Firm resolve where retreat is not an option, symbolizing total commitment.
15 虎父無犬子 A tiger father begets no dogs Heredity Low Children inherit their parents’ traits and characteristics.
16 千軍易得,一將難求 Easy to get thousands of soldiers, but hard to find a good general Leadership Low Highlighting the scarcity of exceptional leadership and talent.
17 兵不厌詐 Soldiers do not tire of deceit Strategy Low Emphasizes the role of deception and strategy in warfare and competition.
18 囊中之錐 An awl in a bag Hidden Danger Low A concealed threat or danger that may have serious consequences.
19 狡兔三窟 A cunning rabbit has three burrows Strategy Low Resourceful and cautious individuals always have backup plans.
20 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 Blessing in disguise Perspective Low Adverse events may lead to unexpected benefits or positive outcomes.
21 木已成舟 The wood has become a boat Irreversible Change Low A situation where change has occurred and cannot be undone.
22 調虎離山 Luring the tiger down from the mountain Strategy Low A tactic to entice a strong opponent away from their advantageous position.
23 有備無患 Be prepared and have no worries Preparedness Low Being well-prepared leads to a state of security and confidence.
24 先下手為強 Striking first makes one stronger Initiative Low Acting proactively or taking the initiative leads to a position of strength.
25 朝三暮四 Saying three in the morning and four in the evening Deception Low Using deception and changing one’s words to confuse or mislead.
26 螳臂擋車 A mantis trying to stop a chariot Futility Low Attempting something impossible or futile due to a vast power imbalance.
27 隔岸觀火 Watching the fire from the other side of the river Indifference Low Observing a crisis or problem without taking action or showing indifference.
28 狼心狗肺 A wolf’s heart and a dog’s lungs Deceit Low Describes someone who is cunning and untrustworthy, hiding their true intentions.
29 青出於藍 Blue surpassing green Succession Low A student or disciple surpassing their teacher or mentor.
30 先下手為強 Striking first makes one stronger Initiative Low Acting proactively or taking the initiative leads to a position of strength.
31 手不釋卷 Not releasing the book from one’s hand Diligence Low To be studious and dedicated to learning, often used to praise diligence.
32 千方百計 A thousand plans and a hundred strategies Strategy Low Indicating the use of a multitude of plans and strategies to achieve a goal.
33 乘風破浪 Ride the wind and break the waves Courage Low Demonstrates the courage and determination to overcome challenges and obstacles.
34 得不償失 Gain not worth the loss Regret Low Reflects a situation where the benefits obtained are not worth the sacrifices made.
35 百變千化 Hundred changes and thousand transformations Adaptability Low Describing great adaptability and versatility in various situations.
36 否極泰來 From the extreme to the opposite, things are getting better Optimism Low Reflects a positive outlook when things improve after reaching rock bottom.
37 心手相應 Heart and hand in harmony Coordination Low Denotes perfect coordination or synchronization between intentions and actions.
38 班門弄斧 Showing an axe to Lu Ban Expertise Low Displaying one’s skills or expertise in front of an expert in the same field.
39 鳳求凰 The phoenix seeks its mate Seeking Love Low Symbolizes the search for one’s true love or soulmate.
40 盲人摸象 Blind people touching an elephant Limited Perspective Low Describes a situation where individuals have limited knowledge and only see part of the whole.
41 望洋興嘆 Gazing at the vast ocean and sighing Ambition Low Reflects the feeling of being overwhelmed by a seemingly insurmountable challenge.
42 天高皇帝遠 The sky is high, and the emperor is far away Autonomy Low Suggests that in distant regions, people have more independence or less supervision.
43 画龙点睛 Adding the eyes to the dragon Finishing Touch Low Refers to the final, crucial step that perfects something, like adding eyes to a dragon painting.
44 筆下生花 Flowers blooming under the brush Creativity Low Describes vivid and creative writing or artistic expression.
45 一鳴驚人 Stunning with one’s first performance Talent Low Making a remarkable impression with one’s initial action or performance.
46 千軍萬馬 Thousands of troops and tens of thousands of horses Might Low Refers to a massive military force or a formidable assembly of people.
47 囊中之錐 An awl in a bag Hidden Danger Low A concealed threat or danger that may have serious consequences.
48 狡兔三窟 A cunning rabbit has three burrows Strategy Low Resourceful and cautious individuals always have backup plans.
49 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 Blessing in disguise Perspective Low Adverse events may lead to unexpected benefits or positive outcomes.
50 木已成舟 The wood has become a boat Irreversible Change Low A situation where change has occurred and cannot be undone.
51 調虎離山 Luring the tiger down from the mountain Strategy Low A tactic to entice a strong opponent away from their advantageous position.
52 有備無患 Be prepared and have no worries Preparedness Low Being well-prepared leads to a state of security and confidence.
53 先下手為強 Striking first makes one stronger Initiative Low Acting proactively or taking the initiative leads to a position of strength.
54 手不釋卷 Not releasing the book from one’s hand Diligence Low To be studious and dedicated to learning, often used to praise diligence.
55 千方百計 A thousand plans and a hundred strategies Strategy Low Indicating the use of a multitude of plans and strategies to achieve a goal.
56 乘風破浪 Ride the wind and break the waves Courage Low Demonstrates the courage and determination to overcome challenges and obstacles.
57 得不償失 Gain not worth the loss Regret Low Reflects a situation where the benefits obtained are not worth the sacrifices made.
58 百變千化 Hundred changes and thousand transformations Adaptability Low Describing great adaptability and versatility in various situations.
59 否極泰來 From the extreme to the opposite, things are getting better Optimism Low Reflects a positive outlook when things improve after reaching rock bottom.
60 心手相應 Heart and hand in harmony Coordination Low Denotes perfect coordination or synchronization between intentions and actions.
61 班門弄斧 Showing an axe to Lu Ban Expertise Low Displaying one’s skills or expertise in front of an expert in the same field.
62 鳳求凰 The phoenix seeks its mate Seeking Love Low Symbolizes the search for one’s true love or soulmate.
63 一呼百諾 One command, a hundred responses Leadership Low Demonstrates strong leadership where followers respond enthusiastically to orders.
64 棋逢對手 Meeting a worthy opponent in chess Challenge Low Encountering an opponent who matches one’s skills or abilities.
65 眾口鑠金 Gold refined by many mouths Evaluation Low Something becomes better through multiple opinions or feedback.
66 鳥盡弓藏 Hiding the bow after the birds are gone Concealment Low Taking precautions after the opportunity for action has passed.
67 擢發難數 Counting hairs on an ox that’s been plucked Over-Analysis Low Engaging in unnecessary or overly detailed analysis.
68 獨木難支 A single tree cannot support a great hall Insufficient Resources Low Highlighting the need for adequate resources to accomplish significant tasks.
69 微不足道 Insignificant Insignificance Low Describes something so minor or unimportant that it’s hardly worth mentioning.
70 守株待兔 Waiting at a tree stump for a rabbit Passive Low Waiting for success without taking proactive steps, relying solely on chance.
71 杯弓蛇影 Seeing a snake in the wine cup or a bow in a dream Paranoia Low Being overly suspicious or seeing threats where none exist.
72 焚膏繼晷 Burning the midnight oil Diligence Low Working tirelessly and sacrificing sleep to accomplish a task.
73 守口如瓶 Guarding one’s mouth like a closed bottle Silence Low Keeping secrets or not revealing information even under pressure.
74 拆東墻補西墻 Demolishing the east wall to repair the west wall Temporary Fix Low Addressing one problem while causing another or making a temporary solution.
75 木石心腸 Wooden-hearted and stone-hearted Unfeeling Low Describing someone with a heart as unfeeling as wood or stone.
76 筆耕墨耘 Plowing with a pen and weeding with ink Scholarly Low Engaging in intellectual or literary work, often related to writing.
77 感激涕零 Tears of gratitude Emotion Low Crying out of deep appreciation and thankfulness.
78 懷璧其罪 Bearing the blame for a lost jewel Taking Responsibility Low Accepting blame or responsibility for a valuable item’s loss.
79 刻舟求劍 Carving a boat to find a sword Mistaken Effort Low Expending effort on a misguided or irrelevant task.
80 淚流滿面 Tears streaming down one’s face Grief Low Crying profusely, often due to sorrow or overwhelming emotions.
81 無心插柳 Unintentionally planting willows Accidental Success Low Achieving something without planning or intending to do so.
82 馬革裹屍 Wrapping a corpse in horsehide Sacrifice Low Making a significant sacrifice for a noble cause or mission.
83 舍本逐末 Abandoning the root to pursue the tip Short-sightedness Low Focusing on trivial details while neglecting the fundamental aspects of a problem.
84 東風不舍 The east wind doesn’t linger Change Low Describing a situation where change is inevitable and swift.
85 螳螂捕蟬 A praying mantis catching cicadas Strategy Low Employing a strategy to catch prey or gain an advantage.
86 高枕無憂 Sleeping with a high pillow, worry-free Contentment Low Sleeping soundly and free from worries, indicating contentment.
87 盲人瞎馬 Blind man riding a blind horse Ineptitude Low Describing a situation where someone lacks knowledge and guidance, leading to failure.
88 寧為玉碎 Rather be a broken jade than an intact tile Integrity Low Preferring to maintain one’s integrity, even if it leads to adversity or hardship.
89 虎口余生 Surviving from the tiger’s mouth Near Miss Low Escaping a perilous situation by a narrow margin, often used metaphorically.
90 望梅止渴 Easing thirst by looking at plums Temporary Satisfaction Low Finding temporary relief or satisfaction by thinking of something desirable.
91 棄甲書投 Discarding armor and writing a letter Surrender Low Giving up and surrendering in a battle or conflict, often a last resort.
92 花香鳥語 Fragrant flowers and chirping birds Scenic Beauty Low Describing a pleasant and beautiful natural environment.
93 忍垢偷生 Enduring filth to steal life Survival Low Tolerating unpleasant conditions or compromising to survive or succeed.
94 草木皆兵 Seeing every plant as an enemy soldier Paranoia Low Being overly suspicious and seeing threats or enemies everywhere.
95 懸崖勒馬 Pulling the reins at the cliff’s edge Prudence Low Exercising caution and making wise decisions when facing danger or risk.
96 棄如敝屣 Discarding like old shoes Disregard Low Treating something or someone as worthless and discarding them without consideration.
97 沉魚落雁 Sinking fish and falling geese Beauty Low Describing exceptionally beautiful women or scenes.
98 刮目相看 Looking at someone with a new perspective Acknowledgment Low Reevaluating or recognizing someone’s abilities or qualities after a change or improvement.
99 杞人憂天 The man from Qi worries about the sky falling Excessive Worry Low Worrying excessively or irrationally about unlikely or uncontrollable events.
100 以牙還牙 An eye for an eye Retaliation Low Responding to harm or wrongdoing with equivalent retaliation or punishment.
101 千里送鵝毛 Sending goose feathers over a thousand miles Gratitude Low Expressing deep gratitude for a small favor or gesture.
102 喪家之犬 The family’s mourning dog Grief Low Symbolizing someone or something suffering from neglect or abandonment.
103 廬山真面目 The true appearance of Mount Lu Revelation Low Discovering the hidden or true nature of something or someone.
104 五馬分屍 Five horses divide one’s body Tragedy Low A gruesome fate where one is torn apart by multiple forces or challenges.
105 姜還是老的辣 The older ginger is spicier Experience Low Referring to someone’s increased skills or sharpness with age.
106 粉墨登場 Appearing on stage with powder and ink Debut Low Making a striking or dramatic entrance, often in a public performance or appearance.
107 泣血稱臣 Crying blood while proclaiming allegiance Loyalty Low Demonstrating unwavering loyalty and devotion, often at great personal cost.
108 獨立風雲 Standing alone in the storm Independence Low Maintaining independence and resilience amidst adversity or challenges.
109 鳳毛麟角 Phoenix feathers and unicorn horns Rarity Low Describing something extremely rare or unique.
110 青蛙效應 The frog effect Limited Perspective Low Referring to a limited perspective or inability to see beyond one’s own situation.
111 斬草除根 Cutting grass and removing roots Perseverance Low Eliminating a problem or threat entirely, leaving no room for resurgence.
112 萬丈深淵 A chasm of ten thousand feet Depth Low Describing an extremely profound or complex situation or problem.
113 長夜將盡 The long night is about to end Hope Low Expressing optimism that difficult times will come to an end soon.
114 金戈鐵馬 Golden spears and iron horses Valor Low Describing a heroic and valiant army or group of warriors.
115 野火燎原 Wildfire sweeping through the grasslands Rapid Spread Low Refers to the rapid and uncontrollable spread of a situation or event.
116 朝霞映山 Morning glow on the mountains Beauty Low Describing the breathtaking beauty of dawn’s first light on mountains.
117 盲人摸象 Blind people touching an elephant Limited Perspective Low Describes a situation where individuals have limited knowledge and only see part of the whole.
118 船到橋頭自然直 The ship will straighten itself when it reaches the bridge Solutions Low Confidence that solutions will naturally arise when a problem is confronted.
119 無事生非 Creating trouble when there’s none Trouble Low Causing problems or conflicts in situations that were initially peaceful.
120 天無絕人之路 Heaven doesn’t deny anyone’s path Optimism Low Belief that there’s always a way out or a solution to any problem or challenge.
121 亡羊補牢 Mending the sheepfold after losing the sheep Remedy Low Taking corrective action after a loss or mistake to prevent further damage.
122 地動山搖 The earth shakes, and the mountains tremble Catastrophe Low Describing a massive and catastrophic event or upheaval.
123 百家爭鳴 Hundred schools of thought contend Diversity Low Referring to a variety of ideas, philosophies, or opinions competing for attention.
124 龍爭虎鬥 Dragons fight, and tigers battle Intense Competition Low Describing fierce competition or rivalry between formidable opponents.
125 兵貴神速 Speed is vital in war Swiftness Low Emphasizing the importance of quick and decisive action in military or competitive situations.
126 千里之堤 A thousand-mile embankment Precaution Low
127 螳螂拒輪 A mantis resisting a cartwheel Futility Low Attempting something impossible or futile due to a vast power imbalance.
128 雞犬升天 Even the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven Chaos Low Describing a situation of utter chaos or disorder.
129 蜻蜓點水 Dragonfly skimming the water’s surface Superficial Low Engaging in a task or discussion with little depth or significance.
130 別具一格 A unique style of one’s own Individuality Low Displaying a distinctive and unique style or approach.
131 畫地自限 Drawing boundaries on one’s own Self-limitation Low Setting limitations or restrictions on oneself without external influence.
132 女中豪傑 A heroine among women Exceptional Low Describing an exceptional or extraordinary woman.
133 泥人怕雨 A mud figure fears rain Fragility Low Referring to something delicate or easily damaged.
134 兔子不吃窩邊草 The rabbit doesn’t eat grass near its burrow Caution Low Exercising caution or avoiding risky actions in one’s familiar surroundings.
135 弄巧成拙 Cunning turned into clumsiness Overthinking Low Overcomplicating or overthinking a situation, leading to errors or clumsiness.
136 遠水救不了近火 Distant water can’t put out nearby fire Limited Help Low Describing a situation where distant assistance is ineffective in addressing an immediate problem.
137 見貌辨色 Judging by appearances Superficial Low Making judgments based solely on outward appearances without considering deeper qualities.
138 一體兩面 One body, two sides Duality Low Describing a situation where one entity has opposing or contradictory aspects.
139 一石二鳥 One stone, two birds Efficiency Low Achieving multiple goals or benefits with a single action or effort.
140 五湖四海 The five lakes and four seas Vastness Low Referring to a vast or extensive area, often used metaphorically.
141 虛張聲勢 Bluffing Deception Low Creating a false appearance of strength or importance to intimidate or deceive.
142 守望相助 Watching over and assisting each other Mutual Support Low Describing a cooperative and supportive relationship between individuals or groups.
143 鴉雀無聲 Silent as crows and sparrows Silence Low Describing complete silence, often in a tense or ominous atmosphere.
144 蛇蝎心腸 A heart as treacherous as a snake or scorpion Deceit Low Referring to someone who is cunning and untrustworthy, hiding their true intentions.
145 杞人憂天 The man from Qi worries about the sky falling Excessive Worry Low Worrying excessively or irrationally about unlikely or uncontrollable events.
146 機關算盡 Calculating exhaustively Strategy Low Employing all possible strategies or tactics to achieve a goal.
147 無功受祿 Receiving a salary without contributing Inefficiency Low Describing someone who receives rewards or benefits without doing any significant work.
148 此地無銀三百兩 No silver here, just 300 taels Deception Low Downplaying or concealing one’s wealth or resources.
149 一敗塗地 A defeat that paints the ground Complete Defeat Low Describing a situation where one side suffers a total and devastating defeat.
150 杞國憂天 The state of Qi worries about the sky Excessive Worry Low Excessive or irrational worrying about unlikely or uncontrollable events.
151 焚林而獲令 Burning the forest to capture the wind Drastic Measures Low Taking extreme actions or sacrifices to achieve a specific goal or advantage.
152 偷梁換柱 Stealing beams and replacing pillars Deception Low Secretly replacing or altering essential elements to deceive or gain an advantage.
153 不卑不亢 Neither humble nor arrogant Modesty Low Maintaining a balanced and respectful demeanor, neither overly humble nor prideful.
154 雞犬升天 Even the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven Chaos Low Describing a situation of utter chaos or disorder.
155 沐猴而冠 A monkey wearing a crown Inappropriateness Low Referring to someone unqualified or unsuitable for a prestigious role or title.
156 哀兵必勝 Mourning soldiers are sure to win Determination Low Soldiers motivated by a sense of loss or injustice are highly determined to succeed.
157 罄竹難書 Impossible to write on bamboo slips due to exhaustion Exhaustion Low Indicating extreme fatigue or being unable to continue due to exhaustion.
158 一絲不掛 Not a thread to cover oneself Vulnerability Low Being completely exposed or vulnerable, often in a literal or metaphorical sense.
159 南柯一夢 A dream in Nanke Illusion Low Referring to an unreal or illusory experience, often used metaphorically.
160 泰山壓頂 Mount Tai pressing on the head Overwhelming Low Feeling overwhelmed or burdened by an enormous weight or pressure.
161 百變千化 Hundred changes and thousand transformations Adaptability Low Describing great adaptability and versatility in various situations.
162 一心一意 Wholeheartedly Dedication Low Giving complete focus and dedication to a single goal or task.
163 一體兩面 One body, two sides Duality Low Describing a situation where one entity has opposing or contradictory aspects.
164 四海為家 The four seas are one’s home Cosmopolitan Low Having a broad and inclusive perspective, feeling at home in various places.
165 山中無老虎 No tigers in the mountains False Alarm Low Referring to a situation where a threat or danger was rumored but doesn’t exist.
166 一言既出 Once the words are spoken Responsibility Low Acknowledging the consequences and responsibility that come with spoken words.
167 胸有成竹 A clear plan in one’s chest Preparation Low Having a well-thought-out plan or strategy in advance.
168 畫餅充飢 Drawing a cake to satisfy hunger Illusion Low Attempting to fulfill a need or desire with something imaginary or unattainable.
169 懼貓者莫若鼠 No one fears cats more than mice Vulnerability Low Expressing a situation where those most affected by a threat fear it the most.
170 人微言輕 Insignificant people face light words Disregard Low Suggesting that insignificant individuals are easily dismissed or ignored.
171 朝令夕改 Changing orders from morning to evening Inconsistency Low Describing a situation where instructions or plans change frequently and inconsistently.
172 鬼斧神工 Work of a demon’s hatchet and a god’s craftsmanship Exceptional Low Describing exceptionally skilled or masterful workmanship.
173 垂死掙扎 Struggling in one’s dying moments Desperation Low Engaging in a last-ditch effort or desperate struggle when facing imminent defeat or death.
174 杞人憂天 The man from Qi worries about the sky Excessive Worry Low Worrying excessively or irrationally about unlikely or uncontrollable events.
175 魚與熊掌 Fish and bear’s paw Dilemma Low Referring to a situation where one must choose between two desirable but incompatible options.
176 萬事如意 Everything goes as desired Good Fortune Low Wishing someone that all their endeavors may turn out as they wish.
177 負荊請罪 Carrying a willow branch to ask for forgiveness Apology Low Seeking forgiveness or making amends for a mistake or wrongdoing.
178 神不附體 The spirit is not in the body Absence Low Describing someone’s absence or distraction due to a lack of focus or engagement.
179 金不換 Priceless Value Low Referring to something so valuable that it cannot be exchanged for anything else.
180 杞人憂天 The man from Qi worries about the sky Excessive Worry Low Worrying excessively or irrationally about unlikely or uncontrollable events.

Please note that these popularity scores are indicative and may vary depending on cultural and regional contexts. If you need further information or have specific questions about any of these idiomatic expressions, feel free to ask.

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Since I started to learn Classical Chinese is became more easy to understand, recognize and remember chengyu.