Brutal hit and run in Taiwan?

Can you believe this shit??? NObody checks on the injured woman (she could be dead even). The old woman just walks away nonchalantly and some others almost dont see anything?

I hope the driver is caught. He seemed to have aimed right for her. Lock him up , throw away the key. … aiwan_auto

From what I’ve read in previous post it seems that automobile/motorcycle accidents happen with such a frequency that people have become numb to seeing this type of stuff. I’m sure whoever did this horrible thing will be caught, since they can enhance the video footage and capture the driver’s license number.

The old lady walking away and completely ignoring the injured woman is the most shocking, but strangely not particularly surprising (if that makes sense).

Absolutely horrible. You have to be so careful on the streets over here.

Like I said in my previous thread. I will never understand the Taiwanese.

It looks as though he was trying to hit her. Probably a gangster who was denied his weekly extortion money.

Yup, that’s exactly what I was talking about in another thread about not understanding the Taiwanese when I related my story about getting hit on my bike.

And this is what makes me feel like TW people are coldhearted. I don’t believe for a minute that there is warmth in many of their hearts, unless it involves a benefit to them. The coldest and most selfish people I have ever met in my life are the Taiwanese.

I wonder how long that woman laid there for before she received any assistance. That video really brings it all back to me and burns me up. :fume:

My God that is sick and infuriating…unbelievable callousness.

About 4 months ago I was walking down the street when a motorcycle came ripping through a red light across 4 lanes of traffic and hit an old man who was riding a bicycle in the lane beside me. He crashed into the pavement and his skull made a sickening thump that I will never forget.

The motorcycle tried to ride away so I grabbed the bike’s front brake lever and held them there. I screamed at a lookie loo to call the hospital. She held out her phone towards me. I switched back to English and said, “what are you fucking retarded? I am kinda of busy here JESUS H CHRIST!”

Eventually she got tired of staring at the old man bleeding from his head wound and wandered away without ever bothering to call an ambulance. I bet she is happy she saved the 25 N.T that call would have cost!

This whole time the bike rider is saying “it’s ok no problem” and still trying to pry my hands off the brake lever.
As this was across the street from a police station it only took them 15 minutes to show up.

Now here is where it gets very surreal; the cop shows up and tells me to let go of the motorcycle. I do and of course the driver fucks off.
The cops summons all his compassion and police training, bends over and slaps the old man across the face a few times until he wakes up. He grabs the old man by his lapels and drags him into a standing position says, “are you ok?” twice and tells the old man to be careful and to go home. This old man, still bleeding and very wobbly, staggers into traffic and across the street.

The cop walks away.


That was pretty much the day I stopped thinking there was compassion left on our little Island.

The fact that at least 30 people saw this horrible crash with the old man and in 15 mins not one lifted a finger to help him or even bother to call for help, even while most of them stood around.

So this most recent and horrific video posted by the op does not surprise me in the least; it shames me as a sentient being. How could we have come to this?

Holy crap.

That was horrible.

I agree that the most shocking thing was the lady in blue not even blinking an eyelash when she walked around the corner and saw the busted up lady under the truck.

Sick shit

The car did swerve right at her. I don’t believe it was intentional, though. Why would someone put the hit out on a little old lady like her? Hardly looked like one to do business with gangsters. I think the driver must’ve been talking on the cellphone or lighting a cigarette and not looking. Not surprising it’s a shiny black whatevever that was, though.

The total nonchalance of that other lady is odd. Like she only turned and walked to the sidewalk, because it would otherwise be too much trouble to step over the legs of the downed lady.

My wife says it’s been on the news over here and the woman is dead. She didn’t get to hospital quickly enough.

If it’s any consolation there’s a lot of outrage on the news reports about the behaviour of the people witnessing the incident.

[quote=“Indiana”]Yup, that’s exactly what I was talking about in another thread about not understanding the Taiwanese when I related my story about getting hit on my bike.

And this is what makes me feel like TW people are coldhearted. I don’t believe for a minute that there is warmth in many of their hearts, unless it involves a benefit to them. The coldest and most selfish people I have ever met in my life are the Taiwanese.

I wonder how long that woman laid there for before she received any assistance. That video really brings it all back to me and burns me up. :fume:[/quote]

Sickening video, and it looks like the driver hit her delibrately, he should be had up for (attempted) murder.

But how does this make the Taiwwanese as a people “coldhearted”?
Of course it is absurd to attribute collective responsibility for crimes like this, the only people to blame are the indviduals involved.

[quote=“Mawvellous”]But how does this make the Taiwwanese as a people “coldhearted”?
Of course it is absurd to attribute collective responsibility for crimes like this, the only people to blame are the indviduals involved.[/quote]
Coldhearted are the individuals that are not involved because it looks like they give a shit about the person just run over and do not appear to make any attempt to attend to the victim, walking away even as if nothing happened. And that behaviour is unfortunately somewhat typical here in Taiwan.

[quote=“Rascal”][quote=“Mawvellous”]But how does this make the Taiwwanese as a people “coldhearted”?
Of course it is absurd to attribute collective responsibility for crimes like this, the only people to blame are the indviduals involved.[/quote]
Coldhearted are the individuals that are not involved because it looks like they give a shit about the person just run over and do not appear to make any attempt to attend to the victim, walking away even as if nothing happened. And that behaviour is unfortunately somewhat typical here in Taiwan.[/quote]

And this with a lack of civil duty or consideration for other people, is why I will always be a foreigner here and never integrate into this culture. I may or may not understand it and why, but I will never accept it, or change myself to accommodate it

From watching the video clip, I would have guessed that the woman was clearly dead. Even if now completely dead, then obviously about to die. This could explain some of the people’s reactions, as many Taiwanese are terribly supperstitious and afraid of ghosts. I’m not trying to excuse the behavior. The lady with her little cart turning toward the sidewalk with seemingly no reaction stronger than she would have for a large piece of garbage in her way is hard to rationalize. I agree the driver was likely on the phone. When I was hit, it was by a woman who was on the phone while driving.

Does anyone know where this happened?

There are a few people on the video who at least had the decency to point out who hit the old lady, though why they wouldn’t think to attend to the victim first is beyond me. Shock, perhaps.

Scott D. Seligman, author of Chinese Business Etiquette, theorizes that in the minds of most Chinese people, when someone isn’t inside your immediate circle of family, friends, or co-workers, that person’s welfare is not your responsibility. This sort of situation seems to prove the validity of that theory. Unfortunately, we’ve all seen abundant evidence of this in our travels about the island.

I dunno. Living in Taiwan, I don’t worry about my kids getting shot by a crazy classmate, but I am less willing than ever to let them go anywhere in Taiwan without an armored SUV escort.

When are the police going to start enforcing traffic laws? The anarchy that characterizes the traffic situation in Taiwan is frustrating at best and downright life-threatening at worst. It is getting difficult to simply cross the road when you’ve got a walk signal without taking your life into your own hands each time you do it.

I get around on a scooter, and I’m surprised I’m still alive. Just today I was twice potentially dead because of moronic behaviour of car drivers. But I know it’s in my own hands, I am overly careful and always look in every direction twice when going somewhere. However, two weeks ago a woman in an SUV hit me from behind; nothing serious, she was almost standing still. I was obviously not moving fast enough. That’s standard Taiwanese behaviour, yes. Using a car to threaten people to hurry up and get out of the way. Some time ago I had a small realization: car drivers in Taiwan treat pedestrians as fair game get-out-of-my-way obstacles. As a scooter you get a lot more respect though. Why? Not because you’re also on a motorized vehicle… No, oh no… it’s because hitting a scooter will damage their cars and cause them trouble.

Iv been away from Taiwan for 8 years, but Iv never seen such lack of involvement when I was there. I remember where people on the street would have been involved instantly. People would be foning 911.

However, I do know that most people dont want to even touch the injured because they have heard of or read about where people were sued and that kind of stuff.

Bad world we live in . Back in the old days, anywhere , people got involved.

I saw an accident where (I didnt see the whole detail and couldnt as I was passing by on a bus).
But some old woman had been hit by something and was prone on the street. Some people pulled her by her legs and arms to the side of the road (to avoid her being hit out there again) and others were clearly on the fone.

Whats happened to Taiwan?

It wasnt like that when I was there?

Any further news? The woman that was hit is dead, I wouldnt be surprised because of the hit she got. HOw old was she?

I hope and would expect the driver would be caught , especially with vid footage (and where did THAT come from?) of it.

Certainly should be tried for murder two , at least. Instead of manslaughter. It was either gross negligence or intentional.

In Japan recently a guy was sentenced to a very long prison sentence when he plowed into a crowd and killed 3 bystanders.

[quote=“tommy525”]Iv been away from Taiwan for 8 years, but Iv never seen such lack of involvement when I was there. I remember where people on the street would have been involved instantly. People would be foning 911.

However, I do know that most people dont want to even touch the injured because they have heard of or read about where people were sued and that kind of stuff.

Bad world we live in . Back in the old days, anywhere , people got involved.

I saw an accident where (I didnt see the whole detail and couldnt as I was passing by on a bus).
But some old woman had been hit by something and was prone on the street. Some people pulled her by her legs and arms to the side of the road (to avoid her being hit out there again) and others were clearly on the phone.

Whats happened to Taiwan?

It wasn’t like that when I was there?[/quote]

It was worse…I remember the most people got involved before was to put something in front of the victim (usually a small branch or bush) and then they buggered off.

Back in 92 I was driving in Neili (Taoyuan county) when I saw a young woman walking dazed with a horrible head wound. I immediately stopped to assist. The foreigner who was with me freaked out claiming “We’re going to get sued, leave her”!. It’s not just the Taiwanese ok? Fortunately I was able to call her family from the emergency room and her father came in. After visiting her in the emergency room he came out and told me she’d been wandering on the divider for more than 30minutes screaming for help on the busiest street in town after being run down by a taxi.


Huh? Which Taiwan were you living in? When I was there in the 1990s the attitude was exactly as shown in the video. My own crazy accident experience involved coming around a bend on my motorcycle and running smack dab into the back fender of the scooter of a man stopped in the middle of the road. I was still new to the island, and hadn’t expected someone to be stopped in the middle of a 4-lane thoroughfare. He had dropped a cabbage, and was picking it up. I went head-over-heels. I could have died. I got up, bloodied from head to toe, and approached the man in shock. He never once looked at me, but was checking out his fender. Like a good Canadian I said “sorry” (for being the victim of someone else’s idiotic behaviour), and he simply waved his hand to “dismiss” me.

Stories of suchlike cruelty abounded when I was there, and I continue to be informed of them by friends who still live in Taiwan. When was this “golden age” of compassion to which you refer?

Well, the first thing that I noticed in that video was the make of the two cars that drove by. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were sheisty loanshark types. That combined with the angle at which the car seemed to steer into makes it look intentional.

Secondly, it seems like only that woman with the cart was the only one who walked away and did nothing to help. Everyone else reacted like people back in your home country would as well: they probably heard a loud crash, wandered out to see what was up, and it took them a couple of seconds to figure out what happened.

But yeah, that one woman who walked away, I just don’t get it. Walking away I can get, but it’s her nonchalance that puzzles me.