Bubble Tea Club DIY in Oz Doing Well with 550 Flavors in 1 Year

Two girls started company last year providing DIY kits for making at home. Seems like an obvious business opportunity for Taiwan except bubble tea is everywhere and easy to get at every corner without making at home.

550 flavors.

One year old, now “Australias top rated” brand.


Wife and I stayed at a hotel last night, ended up watching stupid TV game shows. One of the questions was about Taiwan and the name of the popular tapioca drink. She said, Boba or something. I am surprised at how real world famous bubble tea is nowadays.

As for me…meh…swallowing unchewed food is weird no matter how its greased.

You’re supposed to chew 'em…


You chew pudding?

[North American] Pudding is a liquid. Tapioca is a solid. You’re supposed to chew them or you can choke.

You don’t?

I don’t eat pudding so no, I don’t chew it either.


Still. Solid enough to have had killed people.

Pssht, it has nothing on pizza cheese or fish bones.

Chew the cheese, chew the bubbles. Live to get older, fatter, richer :wink:

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Annnnyway, good on these gals for being filthy capitalists!

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Get outta my profile. I have enough stalkers.

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Tapioca pudding is … just pudding, my grandmother used to make that. And tapioca balls are pre-boiled/steamed dehydrated tapioca starch balls. The tiny ones we had in Europe for decades, put in soup, Taiwanese just made them bigger and put them in the beverage they knew, tea.

Anyways, you can buy frozen ones that you don’t really need to boil, just rehydrate. Easier!

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