Bubble tea might actually be really bad for you

A few days ago I read an article mentioning that someone is developing genzhu (pr whatever the pinyin) made from fruit, so IN THEORY a bit healthier.

Wow, they are not made with Hokkaido Brown sugar?

Glad it’s caramel and not HFCS and artificial colouring.

I’m going back to Long Island Ice Tea. If I ruin my health anyway, I might as well have a good time!

Have you gyusy noticed the new thing is to cover the glass wher tehy sell you this contraption in caramel? New brands where people line up or hours. If I can get a picture, it is a scary amount of sugar.

They didn’t specify what kind of caramel.

There is NO tea in that!:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

People fancy seriously unhealthy things. They probably don’t know anyways.

Looks something like this…only ickier.

That looks good!

Gonna have to file this in the Well Duh! category. 15 spoonfuls of sugar and a whole milk-like liquid, really? it’s bad for me?

黑糖珍珠奶茶 and ㄉㄨㄞˋ ㄉㄨㄞˋ 奶都好喝

Well, that stuff is pretty rare. Sugar generally does not like to grow in fields that lie under 15 feet of snow for 6 months of the year.

Perhaps you mean Okinawa Black Sugar?

No, Hokkaido.

“For your info, Sugar beets are mainly produced in Hokkaido, the north island of Japan.” Therefor, brown sugar from sugar beet, same as my home country.
And they probably also use ‘Hokkaido’ milk.:thinking: Better than Taiwan milk.

My slogan for the day:

‘If crap sells, you better get on the crap wagon!’

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Right. it’s easy to forget about beet sugar when you’re surrounded by miles and miles of sugarcane fields.

Everyone I know is drinking this.

Yep, two new drinks places sprouted up near our MRT station, both are selling this are their main hook.

‘If crap sells, you better get a crap wagon!’

I always thought that people had lactose intolerance here. Not!

I just literally finished a CoCo.