Burying the Dictator a political move?

Anyone think the plan to bury the two late Chiang dictators in Taiwan, rather than letting them wait to “retake China”, is a political ploy to rouse interest in the KMT and rub a little sentiment on the old party machine of the Chiang family? Is this just a grand stunt to replace kneeling and crying on the campaign trail? Why now? Does it seem strange that John Chang (Chiang) is the family representative to the media? Legislative elections are coming up and the pan blues did a poor job of convincing the majority that they are Taiwanese… hmmmmmm

I must say Chiang’s family has some guts for requesting for another national burial ceremony for the two late Chiang.

I mean, first of all, both of the late Chiang already had their official burial ceremony. You are not suppose to have it twice, at least not according to the Taiwanese traditions, it’s an absolute taboo that will bring disgrace to their father and misfortune to their family. (But they want to look good for having a national ceremony)

Second, how many soldiers are they going to station around the burial site this time to prevent people from digging up the bodies and lash it to pieces.

Anyway, Chiang’s family made the request for a reburial this past January and the ceremony is planing to be held on next year’s March or April. Be prepare for Mayer Ma to show up and cry his heart out.

And all the girls (even pan-green supporting girls) will be crying with Mayor Ma (President of ROC 2012).

Gave up on 2008?

I think there are still a few people more senior than Ma in the KMT party still for 2008.

Even better, why don’t they have someone from Chiang’s familily to run for 2008? Make their father proud!! Oh Please…

A son born out of wed-lock. ROC is progressive, but not that progressive.

Anyway, if Chiang’s family is smart they will Fedex the two late Chiang’s body out of Taiwan as soon as possible, or just leave it as it is and pretend it doesn’t exist. (with the benefits of being protected by the troopers)

At least they should keep a low profile about moving the bodies. If they insist on making a big scene out of it and parade the bodies around northern Taiwan before the reburial, as they’re currently planing, then it’s only to their embarrassments and will incite more hatreds.


Why? Would parading it around the southern end of the island be any better.


Why? Would parading it around the southern end of the island be any better.[/quote]

Let’s hope that they do but it ain’t ever gonna happen.

Both of the dictators are in boxes, but weren’t put in the ground (入土). Whatever ceremonies they had before weren’t burials. However I for one would be extremely unhappy about paying for these two bastards to be planted, after all they stole and the suffering they caused. It’s like asking the Cambodians to put on a fancy funeral for Pol Pot.
I was surprised to hear that the PRC is willing to let them be buried in China. The problem is that the side of the family that wanted a China burial is all dead. The only ones left are trying to pull off some KMT revival around CCK and this requires they spend our tax dollar to bury the two thugs here.
Either ship the bones back to China where they belong, or let the KMT bury them on their own tab. So sick of this attitude of ‘it’s my treat, you pay the bill’.
How about making this a poll, bury in Taiwan, or bury in China?

Well let’s put it this way. This sets the precedent on who is going to pay for LTH funneral when he dies in 2006. I mean the Japanese will be glad to offer LTH a burial plot in Japan I’m sure. But Mr Democracy will also be buried somewhere in Taiwan as well.

The majority of the people of Taiwan elected Lee Tung-hui as their president and thus it’s their right to decide if they’ll pay to bury him or not. The same is not true of Peanut or Fishlips. WTF has Japan got to do with this? Lee has connections with Japan? How about Peanut’s years at military academy in Japan then?


Oh yeah a referrendum on LTH funneral bill. I can see that ballot coming up soon. The point being CKS, CJG and LTH were all heads of state of ROC. Nothing you can do the change that fact. But because of that they will be buried as heads of state.

The only question I have is where is Madam Chiang going to bury now? And what is going to have went we eventually unify with PRC? Are we going to dig them all up again on the PRC tab?

Madame Chiang was as committed to Taiwan as you are. Why the hell should she be buried anywhere other than her beloved USA… or her true home, deep in the soil of the PRC.

Didn’t they already burn the bitch? Or wasn’t the whore buried in NY or someplace?

Her body’s in a mausoleum in New York.

Dump 'em in the Thames!

What kind of idiot really gives a shit where they are buried. Your fuckin dead right so what difference does it make? As my old man says whenever he heads of to Africa ‘If I should kick the bucket when I’m away, just burry me where I drop’. Mausoleum’s, state funerals… what a load of bollocks.

Good God, no! We’ve been working hard to clean up the Thames, and don’t want foul muck like that polluting it again.