Bush & Blair (BB) nominated

What twice? I am talking about his first four-year term.


National Security Advisor Anthony Lake used to brief the president every morning. You need to check the source for your disinformation.

What’s the point of the joke if they met every morning. I think that you are talking about the second term surely? Though that said, it could be disinformation that it was only once or twice. Must check and see if I can track that down.

Regardless, I do not have a problem with Clinton in this particular case because how could he have known that it would lead to the actual destruction of World Trade Center. But for staff of his to criticize Bush in this way, well, how could he have known as well? BUT the big difference is that Bush has acted and in 2.5 years, we have won quite a bit in our battle with al Qaeda. Now, will we capture anything on the Afghan-Pakistan border? Maybe. Can we finally take out Iran to get at the 500 there? and put Iran into the plus column? I hope so. Let’s keep Bush in office another four years by asking ourselves, who would the terrorists prefer to deal with? I don’t think there is any doubt anyone but Bush.