[quote=“fred smith”]For someone who has majored in history and has a very good understanding of it, I challenge you Wookie to prove your assertions. You can spout this Chomskyite drivel about how we are equally terrorists untill the cows come home. Have you ever hit anyone in your life? Then, let’s meet up so I can bitch slap you into yesterday while you apologize to me for your past evil actions, nay grovel while you do so so I can kick you a few times in the ribs while I am at it. Same difference no?
And so you quote Israel and the US fighting back as somehow proof that you “understand” history? Give me a break. I could just as selectively quote WWII appeasement policies.
Big difference is that Israel and the US are superior democracies that respect human rights and are being attacked by gangsters that oppress their own people. This is not about “understanding” both sides. This is about a war between right and wrong. If you cannot see that, then feel free to head over to whichever one of these countries you believe offers a superior system.
Until then, try to read more than one book and try to balance that one Chomsky book you read with something a bit more intelligent. It was Chomsky wasn’t it. What did you just read through the first chapters of 911 and go “Shit man. The man has a point. He is so deep. Like he’s right! Who are we to criticize or fight back. We have done things that were bad that we are not proud of, ergo we must not fight back at all.” Dude! Pass the doobie![/quote]
Fred has lost his cool. He is foaming at the mouth and threateng physical violence. I can feel the spittle from his mouth from here. No wonder he is a Bushite. He has shown his true colors–beat up all who doesn’t agree with his version of the world.
You want to bitchslap me and kick my ribs? Why? Do I threaten you or your family? Do you feel that I am going to bomb your house and destroy your precious collection of Republican memorabilia?
Wait! I am falling into your pseudo-reverse psychology trap! Heeeelp!
Is that all you can come up with, Fred?
You “understand” history? Whose history, mine?
No, of course not, yours and your professors’!
You understand your version of history.
History, like the war on terrorism is all about perspective.
If you are an Arab or a Native American your view of history is hardly a Republican sugar-coated “we are the new compassionate party ridding the world of evil” crap that the “want 4 more years club” is dishing out in NY as we speak.
I hate to agree with you, but you are right about one thing, this is a war about right and wrong. Both sides think they are right and that will not change as long as people (blockheads, on both sides) refuse to see that there are other options.
By the way, why do you keep assuming that I, like you, get my opinions from books. I have never read a Chomsky book in my life. It takes no great leap of imagination to see behind all the smoke and mirrors of modern day world politics. It is all so common sense as to put the word ‘profound’ into obsolescence.
Perhaps you should try thinking for yourself a bit more instead of relying on political/historical writers for your frame of reference.