Terrorism is just like Republicanism, there is just one path–“ours.” There are no alternatives. A terrorist, like a republican is like a “borg.” Resistance is futile, resistance is futile…"“There is only one way, there is only one way…”
You see, it doesn’t even matter who the head of the republican party is. They don’t vote for the leader, they vote for the collective–sorry, if you haven’t watched Star Trek, The Next Gen. you’ll probably be a bit lost.
Fred, I believe you are more intelligent, more eloquent than Bush–unless Fred, you aren’t a single entity but a collective of a million-or so-linked Republican brains in a matrix, how else do you have time to respond to everyone and do all the research that is required to argue your positions?
So why the hell Fred, would you vote for someone that is obviously less intelligent than you are? Oh, sorry! Fred and his hive do not have the luxury of independent thought!
Fred Song–Attack of the killer Republicans, Attack of the killer Republicans…Small government, small government. But wait, lets make the government bigger…homeland security, homeland security. Does not compute. Does not compute…We must contact the hive master. We must contact the hive master. (Who, by the way did not achieve his position by merit. This is a hive after all, and he rose to the top because he was closest to his daddy and his daddy’s friends.) Says the hive master: “We will stay the path. We will not lose…We will stay the path. We will not lose…We will stay the path. We will not lose.”
And Fred and his hive are caught up in the tumult of the hive leader’s eloquence and magnificent oratory and pledge the rest of their days to the cause of small govt. and laissez-faire trickle-down economics because, after all it will solve all the problems on this earth, the plight of the Palestinians, the increasing homelessness in New York (under a hive govt.), the end of terrorism, the democratization of Iraq, the compliance of France and Germany, oh sorry! they haven’t been assimilated yet, they are still resisting, and so on.
If you had a choice between moral relativism and ideological singlemindedness, would you choose an option that would not give you any options?