Hi Sean
I was hoping someone else might be able to look after her as we know how busy you are, but we may have to take up your offer. I will give you a call.
At the very least we can take her in at short notice if needed and set about finding a ‘foster’ home until you return. If worst comes to worst, she can stay in my apartment, but we have a large network of cat fosterers available, so she has plenty of options for being well cared for while you’re away.
may you provide more information about your cat? Since most of my friends have their own pets. So I have to ask more details. Feel free to let me know.
The cat is currently staying at the AnimalsTaiwan holding centre, but would be far happier and more comfortable in a home for the six weeks required.
If anyone can take care of this beautiful, friendly, but slightly scared (right now) cat, please let me know ASAP. I can deliver anywhere in Taipei or surrounding area.
She is clean, parasite free, and fully vaccinated. Oh, and even though she’s scared right now, she still doesn’t bite or scratch - she’s lovely!
Sorry we have taken a while to be in touch. The fires are out and the house was saved - got very close.
In typical Taiwanese fashion the boss has decided to get out of a NY Bonus and we now have no job to come back to in Taipei. So we have to get Turtle on a plane to Aus ( Melbourne ). Have you ( or any Forumosans ) had experience in this process?
I will make some inquiries this end once people get back to work following NY break.
She’s fine. We have a separate cat house now, so she gets to run around and play with a cat and a kitten for much of the day. She seems quite happy, but it’s not like being part of a family.
Our vet sends animals to Australia regularly and we’re shipping a dog your way soon; I’ll let you know the procedure.