Bush Fire Emergency

Unfortunately we have to fly home to help with bushfires that are surrounding our house in North East Victoria.

earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Natura … 38_lrg.jpg

We will leave this week.

Can anyone help and look after a small cat for 6 weeks whilst we sort out the trouble???

I can be reached on 0910 868694


Tony, if no one else can, we will.

0920 620 109

But I’ll send you a PM.


Hi Sean
I was hoping someone else might be able to look after her as we know how busy you are, but we may have to take up your offer. I will give you a call.

Many Thanks

At the very least we can take her in at short notice if needed and set about finding a ‘foster’ home until you return. If worst comes to worst, she can stay in my apartment, but we have a large network of cat fosterers available, so she has plenty of options for being well cared for while you’re away.

She has had all her shots, right?

Give me a call if you need it.


may you provide more information about your cat? Since most of my friends have their own pets. So I have to ask more details. Feel free to let me know.

The cat is currently staying at the AnimalsTaiwan holding centre, but would be far happier and more comfortable in a home for the six weeks required.

If anyone can take care of this beautiful, friendly, but slightly scared (right now) cat, please let me know ASAP. I can deliver anywhere in Taipei or surrounding area.

She is clean, parasite free, and fully vaccinated. Oh, and even though she’s scared right now, she still doesn’t bite or scratch - she’s lovely!

Thank you!


Hi Sean

How is Turtle?

Sorry we have taken a while to be in touch. The fires are out and the house was saved - got very close.

In typical Taiwanese fashion the boss has decided to get out of a NY Bonus and we now have no job to come back to in Taipei. So we have to get Turtle on a plane to Aus ( Melbourne ). Have you ( or any Forumosans ) had experience in this process?

I will make some inquiries this end once people get back to work following NY break.

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon

Tony and Kylie.

Check out this page: atk-petinfo.blogspot.com/

Scroll down to "Exporting Cats ans Dogs to Australia.

Good luck!

She’s fine. We have a separate cat house now, so she gets to run around and play with a cat and a kitten for much of the day. She seems quite happy, but it’s not like being part of a family.

Our vet sends animals to Australia regularly and we’re shipping a dog your way soon; I’ll let you know the procedure.

So glad Turtle is keeping her family. :slight_smile:


If there is anything I can do on this end for you let me know. Ride to the airport maybe :slight_smile: