Bush Giving Away Anti-Terror Secrets Faster than NY Times?

I’ll take that to mean that you once again don’t really have any substance with which to try to defend the Bush administration’s pathetic efforts to blame the NY Times and other media outlets when Bush, himself, kept blabbing for years about our efforts to track the terrorists’ money. Instead of blaming others, perhaps the Bush administration would do better to simply stop releasing so much classified information themselves – the Plame matter would’ve been a good time for them to think of America instead of their own narrowly drawn GOP desires to slime folks.

For those who are curious, the phrase “not a dry seat in the house” comes from Eric Idle during the “Splitting Heirs” promotional tour. Republicans most likely don’t watch or understand the Monty Python sort of humor, except perhaps on the basic level of noting: “Hey – there’s a French guy up there on that castle!” It’s OK, given that the lack of appreciation goes both ways. Idle’s “FCC Song” includes the following:

[quote=“mofangongren”]I’ll take that to mean that you once again don’t really have any substance with which to try to defend the Bush administration’s …

[quote]So f*ck you very much dear Mr. Bush
for heroically sitting on your tush
For Halliburton, Enron, all the companies who fail
Lets send them a clear signal and stick Martha straight in jail
She’s an uppity rich bitch, but at least she isn’t male
So fuck you all so very much

So fck you dickhead Mr. Cheney too.
ck you and fck everything you do.
Your pace maker must be fake
You haven’t got a heart
As far as I’m concerned your just a pasty faced old fart
And as for Condolezza she an intellectual tart
So f
ck you all so very much[/quote][/quote]

Is that what passes for substance in your mind, MFGR?

Nice. :unamused:

Tigerman, you’re being very predictable again – given the choice between the main part of my post which is on topic (regarding Bush letting out secrets faster than the NY Times) and a sidenote in 7pt type for those curious about an Eric Idle phrase used earlier in the thread, you chose to focus on the Eric Idle part. You’re doing a great job of proving my point that you have nothing of substance to add to this discussion. :wink:

Now, if you had anything to say in defense of a scumbag president who blabs out American classified info at seemingly every turn, you’d probably say it, wouldn’t you? Your silence on the thread topic speaks volumes for your inability to defend Bush & crew … and your posted text quite probably supports my sidenote’s observation on the MontyPython-GOP disconnect. :smiley:

[quote=“mofangongren”]Tigerman, you’re being very predictable again – given the choice between the main part of my post which is on topic (regarding Bush letting out secrets faster than the NY Times) … You’re doing a great job of proving my point that you have nothing of substance to add to this discussion. :wink:

Now, if you had anything to say in defense of a scumbag president who blabs out American classified info at seemingly every turn, you’d probably say it, wouldn’t you? Your silence on the thread topic speaks volumes for your inability to defend Bush & crew … and your posted text quite probably supports my sidenote’s observation on the MontyPython-GOP disconnect. :smiley:[/quote]

As usual, you are wrong.

There is nothing of substance to this topic. This is just another in your long list of shrill, hysterical and inane topics. That’s why its hardly possible to go off topic.

Anyway, if you post drivel, its fair game to be shot at. And if your drivel is foolish and or childish… well… its no wonder you used small type… I’d be ashamed to post such crap, also.

Facts, please. Or are you just going with your “feelings” again? :unamused:

So, you don’t actually have any facts to offer to counter the idea that “SWIFT”, far from being any kind of a big secret, is in fact a very well-known international banking service organization by which large amounts of money are normally and routinely sent from bank to bank? Nothing to argue with the idea that pretty much every bank in the world uses SWIFT transmissions the same way that these same banks used computers, use electricity, use telephones, etc. to conduct their daily work?

It’s not shrill to point out an obvious fact that SWIFT is no secret; rather, it is shrill for Bush to run around pretending that SWIFT is some secret government program and squawking about how disasterous it is for the NY Times to have reported that we’re basically running checks on international transmission of money.

It’s not hysterical (except in the ironical-humorous way) that Bush would be found out to have told the world numerous times about how we were investigating the financial networks to try to trace their money transfers.

The only thing that’s inane is that Bush and his top officials are so clueless that they don’t even know what SWIFT is before they comment on it.

So you obviously don’t like what Eric Idle wrote. I didn’t think you would, which is why I wrote:

Looks like I was right about whether you might appreciate Eric Idle’s humor. Now, based on the Eric Idle lyrics for his FCC Song provided as support for the following statement, do you think I was right in my other bit of analysis:

Looks like I was right twice within that tiny 7-pt sidenote, and yet you’re still left with no intelligent comment on the SWIFT system or Bush’s goofy allegations about the NYTimes. Next time you decide to go with your “feelings” for a post, you can perhaps rephrase strong but incorrect phrases like “As usual you are wrong” with something more accurate like “I feel sad inside my heart when faced with unfavorable facts I cannot contradict.” If you like, you can go create a thread where you can cry on the shoulders of your fellow Republican emotional types. Come back when you have a few facts.

Its difficult to give you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, you cannot be as ignorant as you appear to be. Can you?

Bush has not asserted that the SWIFT system is secret. Your framing Bush’s assertion as such is either a blatent misrepresentation of the facts, or an illustration of pathetic ignorance.

The secret was only that the US was tracking transactions with the cooperation of the people who manage the SWIFT system. After all, the SWIFT system is not managed by the US. It is managed in Belgium, and our using it to track financial transactions of terrorists was secret.

So, tell me, are you being deliberately disingenuous or do you really not understand the issues?

You’re like Forumosa’s own little Michael Moore… :laughing:

So, Tigerman, was it even a secret or are you just being a moonbat again?

Looks like everybody knew that SWIFT was being used as a normal part of tracking international transfers of money and that it was was no “secret” that we were cooperating with it to track money transfers – naturally enough considering SWIFT pretty much is to money transfers what Ma Bell was to domestic U.S. telephone systems throughout much of the 20th century, what Microsoft is for personal computers, and so on. How would a program work without it? Probably couldn’t.

If anybody had any doubt about whether SWIFT was cooperating in anti-terror efforts, they only had to go to SWIFT’s own website, which proudly proclaimed its participation and cooperation.

If you want to see the Administration pretending that SWIFT, itself, was a secret, then we just need to take a look at the White House’s own words:

[quote]Q I guess what I’m asking is – and I’m sorry for not being specific enough – but is there the belief that even though terrorists had clearly been tipped off from the very beginning by the President that there was going to be an aggressive attempt to get as much financial information as possible, that they did not know about the SWIFT Bank?

MR. SNOW: I am absolutely sure they didn’t know about SWIFT. There are – when you have key government officials around the world saying, we didn’t know about it – there may have been a lot of activity, but it is a program that was not well-known, including among people who have pretty high positions in the banking industry. So, yes, this is not the sort of thing that everybody knew.[/quote]

Now, I’m not even a peon in the banking industry, but I’ve known about SWIFT for years. Our invoices have SWIFT codes on them, I’ve been in contact with them personally, and you pretty much can’t work at a bank without running across SWIFT somehow. Simply put, it would be extraordinary for someone to get through a long career in banking withouth ever having heard of SWIFT.

[quote]Q But the existence of this organization is no secret, either.

MR. SNOW: Are you kidding? Are you talking about Swift? When did you know about Swift before?

Q I’m talking about those in the –

MR. SNOW: – know about Swift before? (Laughter.)

Q While I don’t, I can assure you that people in the financial community know.

MR. SNOW: I guarantee, you go talk to your local banker – you talk about –

Q Let me ask a follow up. Are you saying that the financial experts in the terrorist ranks would not know about an organization that works for 7,800 different financial institutions in 200 countries?

MR. SNOW: I’m saying, yes. I think that a lot of people didn’t know about the existence of Swift.

Q I asked, though, about the terrorist financial experts, the ones you would worry about, the ones –

MR. SNOW: I’m not sure they did. I really don’t.[/quote]


Come out, ye old right people. show me the money!

They’re hiding, probably wearing their little homemade tin-foil hats to ward off the effects upon their brains of all the bad news. Lately, all I’ve seen is ranty attempts to post false info onto these forums and to pretend that inconvenient facts don’t exist – most of which I think is a reaction to this news: