Bush's Martial Law Plan [...], Even Congress Can't See it

Nope, it’s not because they are blind but rather denied it. All it takes is a terrorist attack, and Bush will be “the man”:

[quote=“Paul Joseph Watson”]
Bush’s Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can’t See it

Executive über alles as member of Homeland Security Committee barred from viewing post-terror attack provisions

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, July 23, 2007

President Bush’s post-terror attack martial law plan is so shocking that even sitting members of Congress and Homeland Security officials are barred from viewing it, another example of executive über alles and a chilling portent of what is to come as constant reminders of the inevitability of terror attacks reverberate.

Congressman Peter DeFazio (D - OR) was asked by his constituents to see what was contained within the classified portion of the White House’s plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack.

Since DeFazio also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and has clearance to view classified material, the request would have appeared to be routine, but the Congressman was unceremoniously denied all access to view the documents, and the White House wouldn’t even give an excuse as to why he was barred.


New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.


Related (also linked in the article above): DeFazio asks, but he’s denied access

And don’t miss the relevant directive from our favorite crackpot site (also linked in the quoted article).

Defazio is a member of the “Progressive Caucus”.

Progressive caucus says “No” to Iraq occupation funding

“Until 1999, the website of the Progressive Caucus was hosted by the Democratic Socialists of America. Following an expose of the link between the two organizations in WorldNetDaily, the Progressive Caucus established its own website under the auspices of Congress. Another officer of the Progressive Caucus, and one of its guiding lights, is avowed socialist Rep. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent.
The Democratic Socialists of America’s chief organizing goal is to work within the Democratic Party and remove the stigma attached to “socialism” in the eyes of most Americans.”

worldnetdaily.com/news/artic … E_ID=29612

An excellent over view of the "Progressive Caucus(Democratic) is to be seen at -
discoverthenetworks.org/grou … grpid=6497

The simple answer looks to be that Congressman DeFazio - Dem, Oregon - has been deemed to be a potential security risk. Considering his known affiliations, this looks to be a reasonable concern.

I love that show Martial Law. It has Sammo Hung, and guest-starred Kelly Hu who is so totally hot. I didn’t know there was bush in the show. Thought it was rated G. Will have to check back again.
Kelly Hu. So hawt.

Yet he sits on the Homeland Security Committee with clearance to view classified documents. Hmmm…

Oh that’s gotta hurt.

Oh that’s gotta hurt.[/quote]
They ARE classified – the other committee guys get to the office first and go through the papers. “Can we let Pete DeDick see this one?”
“This one?”
Hell, no!"
“This one?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“This one?”
“What’s that? Budget for sanitary napkin dispensers in ladies’ US military toilets in Iraq? Yeah, let him see that one if you insist.”
“This one?”
“That’s related to the … shhhhh! Shut it! He’s coming! Everyone act like you just got here!”

No shit. People don’t keep their security clearances if they’re considered security risks, and they sure as hell wouldn’t have access to Homeland Security data. Been out of the game a while TC?

No shit. People don’t keep their security clearances if they’re considered security risks, and they sure as hell wouldn’t have access to Homeland Security data. Been out of the game a while TC?[/quote]GBH -
Read the article again and the links I posted. It seems quite clear that he is being denied access to classified material for reasons of national security. His level of clearance has not been extended to these documents.
Obviously there is a reason for this denial of access. At this point its mere speculation as to the why and wherefores of it.
Has he been known to leak sensitive or restricted information in the past? I don’t know nor do I care to spend the time trying to find the answer to this Q.
Is he under current investigation for activities such as this? Again, I don’t know.
What reason/reasons has he stated for his desire or “need to know” this information? What does he want to use it for or do with it?
If his knowing this information was vital to his position, why would he be denied access to it? Reversing that - It clearly has been decided at a level above his pay grade that he has no need to know this information. Sorry if that ruffles his feathers but thats the way things work.
2 more things:

  1. Yes, people who are known “security risks” are, on occasion and in controlled circumstances, allowed access to “sensitive information.” It is one of the ways to discover who is leaking “sensitive information.” Part of a dis-information campaign on some occasions.
  2. There are multiple levels of ‘security clearances.’ Its not a one-size fits all process.

Remember “Leaky Leahy.”

TC, I read the OPs article, plus your links. Nothing in any of them suggests to me that there’s any national security issues at stake relating to Defazio himself.

There could be national security issues relating to all reps who are not directly involved in the plan, and Defazio just happened to be the first one to get denied. You alluded to that about the need to know comment you made.

None of the articles linked to above give anything more than bare speculation.

Just out of curiosity, while I was on the 2nd link you gave, I clicked on their link to a brief bio of Defazio. I’m not sure what relevance it is that Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey are mentioned so prominently early on just for the fact that they went to college there (many years before Defazio). But he opposes gun control and pissed off environmentalists a couple of years ago by siding with Republicans, so he can’t be that much of a leftie. :smiley:

I read the links, they mention nothing about him being considered a security risk.

You say it’s mere speculation, and yet you so above that “it seems quite clear he is being denied access to classified material for reasons of national security.” In other words, it’s mere speculation when it does not fit your preconception, which itself is based on no evidence whatsoever. If you have evidence, please present it.

Why is it that you always assume the government –as long as it is Republican run- is always acting justly?

Our Founding Fathers believed that each branch of government must be strong in order to prevent any one branch usurping power. This man is on the Homeland Security Committee. He is not only expected to conduct these kinds of investigations, it is his sworn duty to do so. We should consider him derelict in his duty if he was not.

2 more things:

  1. Yes, people who are known “security risks” are, on occasion and in controlled circumstances, allowed access to “sensotove information.” It is one of the ways to discover who is leaking “sensitive information.” Part of a dos-information campaign on some occasions.[/quote]

Since we have absolutely no evidence to believe that is the case, we have no reason to believe that is what is happening. In any case, the issue here is that the Congressman is publicly asking for classified information and being denied that information. He isn’t being given info to see if he leaks it. Your theory falls short of the facts.

As a matter of tradition, members of Congress, the President, the Vice-President, Supreme Court Justices, and other high-level elected officials are not required to attain security clearances of any kind. Read more about that here. Typically members of Congress who belong to committees which receive classified information take oaths of secrecy. Regarding the committee in question (from the link above):

Such oaths have been enough for members of Congress, the President, etc., to learn the most closely guarded secrets of our country for the past 200 years. I repeat, this man is on the Homeland Security Committee and it is his duty to conduct such investigations. Asking for this martial plan is exactly what we the American people expect him to do. I personally could care less if he’s a far-left Democrat or a far-right Republican, and I could likewise care less if the White House is occupied by a leftist or a rightist. Checks and balances were written into our Constitution, the highest law of our land, for a very good reason and I expect our leaders to follow them, regardless of their political affiliation.

Not sure about the Leary/Kesey mentions either. Just interesting background perhaps.
I don’t have anything further on his denial of access. As I said, its all speculation at this point.
I’ve said all I have to say about this at this point. If further relevant items come up I’ll be glad to post them.