Nope, it’s not because they are blind but rather denied it. All it takes is a terrorist attack, and Bush will be “the man”:
[quote=“Paul Joseph Watson”]
Bush’s Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can’t See it
Executive über alles as member of Homeland Security Committee barred from viewing post-terror attack provisions
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, July 23, 2007
President Bush’s post-terror attack martial law plan is so shocking that even sitting members of Congress and Homeland Security officials are barred from viewing it, another example of executive über alles and a chilling portent of what is to come as constant reminders of the inevitability of terror attacks reverberate.
Congressman Peter DeFazio (D - OR) was asked by his constituents to see what was contained within the classified portion of the White House’s plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack.
Since DeFazio also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and has clearance to view classified material, the request would have appeared to be routine, but the Congressman was unceremoniously denied all access to view the documents, and the White House wouldn’t even give an excuse as to why he was barred.
New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a “catastrophic event”, the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
Related (also linked in the article above): DeFazio asks, but he’s denied access
And don’t miss the relevant directive from our favorite crackpot site (also linked in the quoted article).