Hi All,
I want to set up a business on buy/sell model.could you suggest which items have market potential…like im a big fan of fruit cakes in taiwan…i want to source some in india…
I am not sure if there is someone will waste his/her time to comment on your question, but as I am a little bored I will do. many people here are looking to by goods and resell it back home, but each country is different from the others as you know. whatever your nationality is then it is you who should know what can you sell in your home market not us. I am not sure which market are you targeting but if it is the Indian market then you are in luck because many taiwanese companies are looking for sales representatives, you can try your luck and attend the Emerging markets poineer meeting (I post information about it a couple of days ago) and may be you will find something that interst you. otherwise, try to know what your homemarket need then see if there are taiwanese companies that can supply you with their products.
best luck