Buying a home in Taoyuan


I’m planning to buy a condo unit in Taoyuan with a friend. My friend (Taiwanese) and I (Canadian) will share the cost, and we won’t be getting a mortgage. Someone told me that as a foreigner, I need to get permission from the Taiwanese government (?) in order to buy property in Taiwan. Is this true? How do I go about getting the permission? Any help would be appreciated.


Where you from?

Very important question.

I’m no expert but I encourage very extensive consideration of that arrangement.


I’m from Canada.

We did. :grinning:

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Ok so it shouldn’t be an issue for a Canadian to buy a house. But I would definitely be contacting a lawyer before going into such an arrangement with a friend. I’m not saying what you’re doing is wrong as I am interested to do the same thing, but have a lawyer go over everything for you for your protection.

Mine speaks English.

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Thanks, Marco. I’m not concerned with the ownership sharing aspect of the home purchase. I was just wondering if there would be bureaucratic hoops to jump through for foreigners to buy a home in Taiwan.

I read that some foreigners had problems getting mortgages, but since we won’t be getting a mortgage, that won’t be a problem in my case.

Shouldn’t be an issue then. Still… if it’s going to be in two names, get a lawyer involved anyways to make sure all the Ts are crossed and the Is are dotted.


First, as Marco said, get a lawyer. Listen to them. Laws here are different.

Second, don’t listen to what locals who do not work in the sector, meaning not bank employees, lawyers, home registry employees or real estate agents, tell you about “what foreigners should do”. Laws change a lot here, for the better. Not even government websites are up to date. And this is assuming they are nice folk.

For instance, knee jerk comments will go from it can’t be done. Others will say it’s much easier just to put it all in your friend’s name. As with everything, due diligence.