Buying meat at the markets

Do any of you buy meat at the local markets (i.e. traditional markets) or just at supermarkets?

sorry I thought this thread was about Carnegies… carry on

I sometimes buy a mountain chicken from a nice young couple who have their farm in Taidong. NT500 for a chicken but it is soooooo tasty. Otherwise, no, I buy mostly imported meat. Don’t trust the local farming and husbandry and butchering practices here at all. But mostly it’s a matter of trust.

Yes, sometimes, although I’m less likely to shop for meat in a wet market in the heat of the summer. I’ve always gotten good quality and lower prices in the wet market. Seafood tends to be fresher, and chicken and pork cheaper than, say, at Welcome.

Huh? $500NT? Thats so damn expensive…

Yeah, I got a whole chicken for under 200, I think.

Next time, get one of those “golden chickens” you get at Matsusei with a picture of an aborigine fellow on the wrapper. You’ll taste exactly why they cost more.

Next time, get one of those “golden chickens” you get at Matsusei with a picture of an aborigine fellow on the wrapper. You’ll taste exactly why they cost more.[/quote]

You mean the He Ho Ha How Me blah blah chickens? I like them. Roast them in a slow cooker and they come out so tender and tasty.

My SO points out various animals which are quickly dispatched and handed over to us. Shocked me the first time and I’m born and raised on a farm so it must be interesting for city folk.

This food is obviously fresh so no problem there. I think the pigs which are disassembled into their various parts with big and small pipes on display and their peeled off face positioned so you notice it are probably killed that day. I can’t buy or watch SO buy pork if the display is too gross. I’m actually feeling a bit queasy with what I’ve written.

The markets look kind of disgusting, but the meat from a regular supermarket also went through some pretty disgusting places - the consumer just doesn’t see it. Since it’s hidden, it is probably even worse. The meat at the traditional markets is fresher, at least. Since you’re cooking it, germs will be killed.