California fires again!


If we can build a special prison dedicated to keeping antifa/BLM arsonists locked away, I might consider paying even more.

That’s because it appears those yayhoos are setting at least some of the fires.

Warming trend.

@bojack, are you aware of the fact that Antifa isn’t even an organization? Or that it means “anti-fascist”? Would you like to tell me what part of opposing fascism involves setting fire to California? And since Trump seems to have convinced a portion of the population that Antifa is a terrorist organism, did you notice that no one is claiming responsibly as Antifa for starting the fires? When real terrorist organizations do things, they brag about it as the terrorist organization and publicly justify why they did it. I haven’t seen any manifestos from anyone from Antifa; only right wing media literally making shit up.

There’s no doubt about that, if anyone’s asking me. Both things can be right–they can be managing better and climate change is exacerbating things.

Didn’t that turn out to be a hoax?

You should probably read Pool’s news sources.

Watch the clip. Pool has 5-6 examples of antifa/BLM starting fires in Oregon and Washington.

Saying it doesn’t make it so. Like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

OK, I’ll check it out. I heard somewhere that it had been debunked.

I think this is where I heard it was a hoax:

Seems like the story is still developing and things aren’t cut and dry yet.

You’re just not reading the right news to tell you what you want to believe.

Climate change isn’t real but if it was, it was started by antifa.

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she spouting conspiracies?
someone’s wearing gas masks. others doing stupid things.

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The Clackamas (county next to Portland) sheriff officer has 20 days left before retirement, so doesn’t care about being recorded.
Recorder is from Copwatch, a network of activist organizations, typically autonomous and focused in local areas, in the United States and Canada (and to a lesser extent Europe) that observe and document police activity while looking for signs of police misconduct and police brutality.

So, quite a neutral 5-min interview.

Of course cannot confirm what particular group or individuals, but lots of chatter, for sure.

What would be the rationale for a political connection to arson? A mental illness connection, sure. But who benefits from forest fires that don’t discriminate much much between million+ dollar homes, middle class neighborhoods, and low income areas?

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that’s the million-dollar question.

What I mean is, if a mentally ill member of the Republican party, for example, starts a forest fire, it is probably because he is mentally ill and not because he is a Republican. I am not going to care about him being a Republican unless the GOP starts supporting his actions.

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Have there been mentally ill members of either party known to start fires lately?
In the simplest form these people, on video, or arrested, or as suspects, can be pyromaniacs. Many instances of said people starting fires. Don’t know if they did so in Oregon, but why bring up the Republican political party doing it?

There are more political entities than the two parties. I mentioned the GOP by way of example of a political entity, probably in counterpoint to others bringing up BLM. But you are right; I could have done without specifying a party. Point is that the actions of someone who is affiliated with a political entity do not define that entity.


Crazy how much smoke there is though. Even in Southern California near the coast and well away from fires, we are still finding ash on the cars, and I rt sneezing and wheezing whenever I go out. A little better today, but AQI is still 115, and we are usually way in the green zone.


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